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The bottle stops on Gaara. After sparing a glance in your direction he rises fluently from his seat, but moves no further.

Taking the hint you walk to him feeling extremely exposed. Tittle-tattle concerning Gaara's past and current status seemingly comes from everywhere, and for a moment it feels like you should turn back. Not being entirely aware you give a start when two arms wrap around you and there is a warm, solid pressure encasing you.

Scrutinizing your face he speaks, "There is a legend in Sand about a woman and a man who fell hopelessly in love after a chance encounter." Here he places one of your hands against his chest before continuing, "The unusually strong bond they shared was so infectious that absolute peace reigned during their lives..." Trailing off he brushes his lips to your cheek, to the corner of your mouth and finally reach their destination in a loving kiss. "I want to believe there is truth to that tale, that such a thing can happen again."

By this point all the others in the room are long forgotten and the implication of his soft, meaningful words in your ear makes your heart swell. Not relenting his hold on you, seemingly intent on keeping you close to his steadily beating heart, he settles back on the ground. A content smile spread across your face at his silent affection.

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