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The bottle stops on Orochimaru and you feel a shiver run through your entire body. This man is as dangerous as he is beautiful, not a good combination. Or maybe it is?

With a glint in his eyes Orochimaru takes his time to make it over to you, all the while studying your building apprehension.

As he draws closer you unconsciously back up, but don't get far before the serpent takes your left arm in a firm grip and leans over your crouched form. "Scared?" He muses followed by a chuckle while making himself comfortable on the floor.

"Please!" You whimper, not really sure what you mean, your brain all jumbled at the moment.

"Shh, it won't hurt dear..." He whispers against your lips before capturing them in a teasing kiss. He is being gentle with you, not making any sudden or forceful movements and you start to relax against him. A bad move apparently since he smirks and snakes his arm around you to pull you close and coax your mouth to open so he can slip his tongue in and explore.

You once again let out a whimper, but this time it's out of surprise at the suddenness of it rather than fear.

In response he momentarily tighten his hold on you in a comforting manner before withdrawing his lips from you and speaks appeasingly "I will take excellent care of you, little one.". You blush at his words and the overwhelming kiss he just gave you.

Orochimaru arrange himself in a better position, facing the circle before bringing you to lean on his shoulder, lazily playing with a few strands of your hair.

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