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The bottle stops on Haku. You focus on the floor, trying to get your pulse under control while listening to shuffling of clothes and the approaching steps. Once the feet stop moving, you inch your eyes upwards til they are met with a warm smile and offered hand. Carefully accepting it you get to your feet with his aid. The hand not intertwined with yours come to rest at the side of your neck, thumb settling on the rapidly beating carotid artery.

"You are tense and nervous... I assure you, such feelings aren't necessary." The words makes you meet his gaze, makes you take in the incredible honesty and calm of his features.

Making sure your eyes don't wander he closes the distance and seals your lips. Tender like falling snowflakes is his kiss, leaving a tingling feeling behind after withdrawing.

Brushing your neck as his hand falls away he notes your still very flushed state. Keeping close to ensure no one else catches the following words, he inquires "I'd like to help you relax, would you be opposed to a massage?".

At that, all you can form in a way of response is a small head shake.

Turning he brings you to a vacant room, closing the door once inside. With a sweeping gesture towards the bed he requests that you make yourself comfortable, heartbeat loud in your ears as you do so. A light chuckle comes from Haku as he straddles you and gently remind you to breathe.

Hands start to expertly work your pressure points and the effect is near instant as you slip into a semi conscious state while he hums a soothing tune.

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