How To Survive A Cold

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😬We all hate those dang colds. They interrupt our work or school day. They make our heads pound and our noses run. Heres how to survive those days

📚In School
• Always keep a waterbottle with you at all times
~ sometimes that nasty headache might be because you're dehydrated
•Carry some Ludens or Halls
~ Those cough drops that the nurse carry taste terrible but having a Ludens can soothe your throat and get rid of the cough.
•Make sure to carry some tissues
~nothing is more embarrassing then sneezing and having that snot everywhere 😷

🏡Weekends and Staying home
•Take a Hot Shower or Bath
~ Yes you might be sweating if your running a fever but you probaly shouldnt make it worse by making yourself more sick. Plus at the end you get a nice cooling sensation.
💆🏽Facial Mask
~When your sick and your body is fighting back your skin cam become more oily or even dry. I recommend using a charchoal and or a moisturizing mask.
😴Relax and Rest
~You may not want to sleep or lie down but your body is tired and is still fighting against this little virus or big virus it depends on what you have.
🍵Have some Soup
Maybe make some nice hot soup to soothe your body, if you have a bug take small spoonfuls so you don't get sick again.
Also i will be doing a couple of recipes next time!
💊Take Your Medicine
~ If you are prescribed medicine take it! But if you aren't and are allowed to take over the counter medicine make it your last resort. Lots of pills are bad on your liver. Read below for some steps!
🐾Steps to do Before you Take Pills
(Over the counter not prescribed)
~have you tried going to the bathroom
~have you drank some water
~have you tried some apple juice and honey
~have you tried taking a shower
~have you tried to get some rest
~ have you tried taking some deep breathes for those of us who have a little anxiety and get nervouse, don't worry its normal
💊What Pills or Medicine to take
~Stomache Ache or Heartburn- Tums
~Headache or other pain-  ibprofen, tylenol, motrin etc.
~Nasal Drip- nasal spray
_ Also try some natural remedies _
Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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