Not An Update!- BUT READ

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Hello to my lovely readers!

Sorry if I got your hopes up! This is obviously not an update. I have a final on Wednesday that I am terrified about, so I'm using my writing time to study! I actually have already taken 2 finals, and they weren't bad at all! My Math one was so easy. I was so pleased with myself walking out of the building. So...yeah. My Spanish one is on Wednesday at 7 that night, so I won't have time to update. But, I am leaving campus to go home the next day for Christmas break, so I will be able to update! So, all in all, expect the next chapter either Friday or Saturday! Might be Thursday if I'm really ambitious, but don't quote me on that. (: 

There are 2 chapters left! 4 if you include the epilogue, which will be split into 2 parts. Trust me, there will be a lot of loose ends that I need to tie up. The next chapter will be the robbery, and every single surprise that I have left will be revealed! Surprisingly, I have quite a few! You guys know how much I love cliffhangers, and you can already expect the next 2 chapters to both end with one! I have actually had these last 2 chapter planned in my head since chapter 10. That's how excited I've been to post them! I think you'll enjoy them! Keep voting because this story has been getting a lot of attention lately, and I'm really enjoying that! (:

Okay, some people have been messaging and commenting me about a sequel. I honestly don't mind writing one! In fact, I already have a lot of ideas for it. Don't worry! Whatever your answer is won't affect how this story ends. It's still going to end the same way regardless of whether I get a lot of yes or no's! But, I need to know that if I write a sequel, people will actually read it! It will have the same exact people in it that's in this one, with a few new surprising characters! I'm not going to tell you guys what it'll be about yet because that will ruin the ending for this one! So, all I need you to do is comment with a simple 'yes' or 'no'. I won't hate you if you say no! So, tell the truth! I want to know! 'Yes' or 'no'?! (:

Lastly, I've also been getting messages about why there's no smut in this story! I didn't know you guys wanted it! If you do, I'll be happy to write it! Obviously, there won't be any smut in this story because it's basically over. But, if you do guys do agree on the sequel, I'll put it in there! It doesn't bother me either way! Let me know!

Thanks for reading! (:

Simple 'yes' or 'no'?

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