Chapter 42- Mistake #1356

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Louis POV

"Alright, ladies and gentleman...I know we haven't done this in a while, but you should remember the drill. Get down, now...or else you might just lose your life tonight."

I received a few confused looks from the customers, and this actually caused me to stop walking. Not one person had listened to what I just said. Was I losing my touch? This confused the other boys too because they all paused.

"Did you pricks not hear what he said? GET DOWN", Zayn yelled.

Immediately, all voices ceased and they all began to get down. Okay, that's weird.

"You said it too calmly", Zayn smirked, "You've got to be meaner."

I was currently in prison, and he was the one that was giving me advice on how to be bad? Something wasn't right here. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an arm move and quickly made my move.

"Really?” I said to the teller, who was obviously trying to be a hero, "Is this how you want your life to end? All because you attempted to press a button? Now, now. Let's get smarter, hon."

Her hands were shaking, and she wasn't making eye contact to me.

"What's the matter?” I asked her, "You don't want to look at me? Aren't I pretty?"  

Bending down at eye-level to the girl, I raised her chin up so her eyes could meet mine. She still refused to look at me, until I gripped her chin harder, and she had no choice but to give in.

"Please don't kill me", she whimpered.

"You probably should have thought of that before you tried to get us caught."

"Louis!” Niall, who had just knocked out the second security guard, yelled, "Stop playing around with her! Bring her to where the rest of the people are, and go get the money!"

"But, I want to have some fun!"

This was our last job, and I wanted to go out with a bang.

"What's your name?” I asked her, ignoring the fact that her name tag was right in my eyesight.

"Ha-Haley", she stuttered.

"Well, Haley. I just wanted to let you know that if you pushed that silent alarm, consider that the last thing you touch ever."

"I'm sorry! I just didn't want to die. I have a husband and a little girl. Don't kill me."

"A husband?” I pretended to be disappointed, "Well, I guess that excludes me and you from having any fun in the vault. I was looking forward to it."

"Louis!” Harry yelled as he kept all of the customers quiet, "We are in here too long! Stop talking to her!"

"Give me a second!” I said, bending back down to Haley's ear, "You'll have to excuse me. I'm a little sexually frustrated right now. And, it's just that you being the one to try to hit the silent alarm reminds me of something."

"Wh-what is i-it?"

"My ex-girlfriend/ex-best friend was in this same situation. Although, last time Zayn was the one talking to her, not me. Of course he spoke to her first. He gets everything first. That bastard."

"Who's Zayn?” she squeaked.

"Oh, no no. Don't try to get off topic. I'm still very aware that you tried to get us caught, and I'm still pissed at that. It's not really wise to piss off someone with a gun in their hand. I could shoot you at any point."

I really could. Surprisingly, this thing was loaded. But, I wasn't sure if I had the balls to shoot it. There's a reason why I've actually never killed anyone. I'm scared to. Taking someone's life from them and having to live with that for the rest of my life? I don't see how people do it.

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