Chapter 7

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Walking into a near by town I confidently walked down the street. The town was filled with chatter that sounded like music and laughing.Once in a while a shifter who was walking would stop and scowl at Tank to wich she would reply with a happy bark, tail wag, and licking their hand. She knows she must be good in public. I rounded a left corner and saw a feild with a fence and a person shouting, "Come on dog come all! There is a agility competition on Saturday! Bring your fellow dog to compete!" I looked with intrest at the person dressed as a black lab. He had a red color with a golden tag on with the tounge hanging out of his mouth. In his hand layed white and green flyers. I strode up to the dog-person and snatched at flyer out of his hand.

"Bryer Fields dog agility competiton. Requires: AKC identifacation. We are proud to announce our 20th agility competition, come in and have a seat or compete with your furry compainion! Adress: 2254 South Bryer Avenue at 12:00. Dogs will be performing on artificial grass."

"That's only in a day Tank!Let's go kick some doggy butt!" I shouted jumping up and fist pumping the air. I flung my backpack off my shoulder and kneeled before it. I quickly found where I registered her online and printed it out. It was in a red binder labeled: Tank's. I quickly sighned a clip-board that states I'm going to be there. They will never know what hit them!

*The next day*

"Everyone gather around for your numbers!"A perky girl shouted.

I quickly walked up as she started calling out the numbers, "Blaze is 1.Kutcher is 2.Zues is 3.Marla is 4. Tank is 5, ladys and gents Tank is the new kid on the block!Mickey is 6." I quickly went and picked up number five before slapping it over my heart.I grinned down at Tank before walking off the leash held loosly in my hand. I went over to sit next to a guy on a bench, once I sat down Tank went inbetween my open legs, crossed her paws and put her head down. They were apperantly playing music once Blaze ran the course suprisingly slow.

"Hey new girl my name is Chad and this is Kutcher." He said pride filling his face. I looked down to his dog, he was a Aulstralian Shepherd a blue merle. "I'm Mia and this is Tank." I introduced and held out my hand to shake.Chad shook my hand and it was warm. He left quickly and I was left alone till the fourth turn then I had been called up to wait for my turn. I uncliped the color and lead and people gasped behind me wich I don't see why. I looked up again and across the artifical grass was a forest.I quickly put her in a down position and walked up to jumps, letting out my left hand two fingers at my side I waited. "Handler are you ready?" The same perky lady asked, "Yes."  I replied. She then qued for the music to play.

Suprisingly it was Swing by Savage. The music coursed through my veins and I flicked my hand up waiting for her to come over to me, she set off at a good speed and jumped perfectly over the jumps, I started to run my top humanly speed as I took a right turn over a A-frame and well the rest my history.

"First place goes to Mia and Tank! Second place goes to Kutcher and third place goes to Mickey!" A guy shouted.The other people looked down disapointed in their dogs. I started doing random dance moves before running to the woods.

Everyone looked up as I went across the field and to the woods the one thing I didn't notice though was the footsteps and the shifter scent. 

I carried on into the woods careful not to make a sound as the woodsy smell rushed towards me along with the smell of Tank by my side. I hadn't shifted and I didn't plan on it until I was atleast close to the middle so I wouldn't expose our secrets. Acording to law unless the human is your mate you cannot shift in front on them. 

Once I was a fare ways away I turned around checking my surroundings. A leaf picked up from a gust of wind swirling around it dropped. I scanned the surroundings again before pretending to walk ahead but I went behind a tree. A small growl came out by me as the thing trugged past.

I flicked my wrist to Tank telling her to go scout out the area. I shifted into a snake and slithered towards the sound. Tank was there before me and was barking with her ears back and eyes on high alert towards,Kutcher?I hissed loudly at Chad who was by him. I poked out my tounge making me alert to their body heat and smell. 

"Woah...down Tank," Chad said trying to slowly back up. I shifted into my human form and spoke confidently,"Zurück aus." I directed towards Tank watching her stop barking and back off.I might have trained her commands in German. It did fit!She was a German Shepherd after all.Now I have another thing to deal with. What did Chad want? I swear to God I am just a trouble and stalker magnet. Atleast I'm not a murderer magnet or rapist magnet. That'd suck. Well not really because I could just kill them with no mercy. Save some poor innocent girl from having to be raped, well actually anyone could be raped at any time. It really doesn't matter if its dawn, day, dusk, or night. It could happen at almost any time. To anyone. Exept for the people who could probably kick their asses or with people who have a gun. Be like pew pew pew. A chuckle escaped my lips probably making me look crazy. Not that I wasn't. Don't worry I have been tested! And I have been deemed positive. It even had a little plus sign. Just joking, I wasn't tested nor have I been deemed positive under any of that junk. 

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