Part 3

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Seans POV

I'm supposed to meet Arizona at the studio at 4 today. When i get back to the house all of the boys go straight to the showers. I do too. After we all get ready we play some FIFA.

"Hey Sean did you tweet about Ari yet?" Liam asked.

"No, do i need to?" I ask.

"I would, I mean i wouldnt want to just surprise them at the show tonight." Charlie comments.

"True." I say. I take out my phone.

"What should i say though?" I ask.

"I don't know, something Sean like." Gabe says. The boys laugh. I type in,

'Check 'Have a really sick girl friend' off the bucket list' I read it out loud and the boys approve it and it tweet it out.

Already, the responses are all positive. I don't know what i was so scared about.

3:45 comes around and I head over to the studio. When I get there James and Arizona are already there.

"Hey." I greet them.

"Sean! There you are, alright, the car is out front, lets do this thing!" James says. Arizona stayed quite. We walk out to the car and drive over to the venue. When we get there I can see she is getting a little nervous. The driver opens up the door and the camera's start to flash. There were about 100+ Girls standing out there. I get out first, followed by Arizona. She looks up to me for what i guess is some kid of comfort and I smile at her. I intertwine my hand with hers and my heart jumps. I feel sparks go up my spine. A smile creeps onto her lips.

"lets do this" I mouth to her and we walk though the crowd, guarded by two men.

When we get into the building the boys are already back stage waiting to go out for the signing. Arizona lets go of my hand and we make our way to the others. When we get there Liam speaks first.

"There they are!" He says.

I just smile.

"Lets go sign things and get hand cramps!" Charlie says sarcastically. We all giggle at his comment.

"Arizona, you can follow me." Jordan, our manager says. Jordan was like everyones dad. When he says no, the answer is not. And all the boys know just how to push his buttons. Arizona smiles at him and follows him. The rest of us go out to the tables where a long line of girls had already formed. We walk out and everyone starts to cheer. It was one of the best feeling in the world.

Aizona's POV

Jordan, I think his name is, leads me to a spot, close to where the boys are but kinda away from everything. Every once and a while a fan would come and ask for a picture.

About half way though the signing a girl starts to shout. She says,

"Arizona and Sean are so fake !" Sean just looks back at me. I smile at him. Some girls tell her to stop but she wouldn't.

Sean signals to me to come closer to the table and I do.

"I can assure you we aren't fake." Sean says.

"Yea right!" She yells.

"Prove it." she continues. Everyone 'ooooo's' Sean gets a nervous look on his face. The girls start chanting at us to kiss.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" They starts.

"no, no no." Sean says. She smiles and brushes it off but they didnt stop. I just smile awkwardly.

All of the sudden Sean stands up and walks over to me. I was to cough up in the moment and the next thing i knew Sean's hands were around my waist and he was pulling me close. He smashes his lips into mine. All the sudden the chanting stops and its just me, Sean, and fireworks. My heart skipped a beat and sparks shot up my spine. Then I snap back into reality and open my eyes.

"Awwwh!" The crowd says. Sean goes back to take a seat and I bite my lip as i walk back to where i was supposed to stand.

Was I starting to get feelings for Sean Killeen? No. I wasn't. I couldnt. All of this was just fake. Everything. I wasn't actually dating him. I don't like him. I can't like him.

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