Part 11

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Sean's POV

Today is Arizona's birthday and I of course had no idea. Which means I had no plans planned for her. God damn it Ari.

We need up just having a nice chill night, just the two of us which never happens anymore.

The next few weeks flew by with the blink of an eye. The day I had been dreading for weeks was finally here. The day all of us boys, go back to our home towns and visit family before the next tour.

We would be with our family for six weeks then back together for the UK tour but what i was really dreading was leaving Arizona. I knew she probably wouldn't be seeing me at anytime soon which tour my heart apart. Charlie and I's flight was at 10 AM. Which means we had to be though security at like 9:15.

Arizona's POV

I woke up in the morning and I already knew it was going to be a bad day. Sean was leaving today for who knows how long. I slowly got out of bed. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and went into the kitchen to make some coffee. At around 8, I get a text from Sean.

Sean: I want to see you.

Sean: I'm coming over.

I tried to smile but i failed.

Ten minutes later i hear a knock on the door. I walk over and open it. Sean walks in and embraces me in a hug. I started to get a few tears in my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said go him. He let go of me and looked into my eyes.

"When can you fly out to see me?" He asked. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"I dont know, i dont have that kind of money." I replied.

"I'll play for it." He quickly reaponded. I shook my head again.

"I cant let you do that, Sean." I said. I heard a horn honk and figured it was the boys in the car waiting on Sean.

"Text me when you land." I say. We hug again.

"I love you, Arizona." He said. A tear fell from my eye and then he was gone. Gone for the next three months, or so i thought.

Sean's POV

Its been a few weeks since i got back home to the UK. Ari and I face time almost every day and text each other constantly. Tonight was a premier night and i was told to be ready by 4 because Jordan has something to tell us, guys. I head down stairs just in time only to find the four other boys all talking over each other to Jordan. They all seemed pretty mad to when i step in they all go silent. I see a girl when they move. She was about my hight, Very fit, and had dark brown eyes. She was olive skinned and looked to be Italian. 

"Whats going on?" I ask. Jordan steps out. The rest of the boys get worried looks on there faces. The girl just smiles. She was wearing a scankey white body tight dress and had her hair straighten which left it just above her shoulders. No one answered me.

"Hello?" I ask. Grabbing their attention again.

"Sean!" Jordan starts,

"Listen, uh... Since you know Arizona is in america," I start to see where this was going.

"And you know your whole relation ship is kinda fake," He stops.

"This is Becca, your new girl friend." She smiles at me. I take a step back and close my eyes, taking in what he just said.

"Wait wait wait.." I said.

"Arizona and i are actually dating, you do know that right?" I told Jordan.

"And there is no way, in hell i am going to cheat on her. Why cant one of the other boys have a fake girl friend." I said. Jordan clenched his teeth.

"Well, everyone like you with the girls. You can still date Arizona, just on the DL. In public, you are Becca's boy friend." I he said.

"No. Arizona is supposed to be flying in next month and I want her to be able to go out with me in public. I'm sorry, Becca but im not doing this." I said.

"Sean, just hold her hand down the red carp, tweet a tweet, and post a pic on instagram. Thats final." Jordan said. The boys all clench their jaws. I roll my eyes.

We make out way to the venue and when the car stops a man opens the door. I climb out followed by Becca. I could see her looks up to me. I didnt show any emotion as i grabbed her hand. Only when we got to the cameras did i smile.

"Sean, kiss me." I hear her say quietly.

"What?" I say looking down at her. She smiles then pecks me on the lips. The cameras go crazy. We walk into the building and Becca pulls me aside.

"Sean, we have to make them believe this." She tells me.

"But why? Why cant i just date Ari. Why mu-" Her lips cut me off. She kisses me with passion while i just stand there lifelessly. She breaks off and walks over to the rest of my boys. I stand in awe for a few moments then go to join them

A/N probably wont be up dating for a bit so heres a few chapters till then xx

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