Part 14

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Sean's POV

Around one i started to receive a call from Ari.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey, Liam told me whats up." She confessed. I excused my self from the room i was in and walked into the hallway to talk in private.

"And?" I asked.

"I think I'm flying out on the first. Will i be able to kiss you in public?" 

"I can beg Jordan to let me take you back i guess." I said with a sarcastic tone. I heard her giggle a little though the phone.

"So whats up?" I asked.

"Nothing much. The girls and I met some friends last night and i think we are supposed to meet up for ice cream or something later." She said.

"Sounds like fun." 

"Yea, theres this dance thing they invited us too but don't get all worked up please, i'm going as friends with this Matt guy." She giggle a little.

"As long as he doesnt get to handsie with you i think i'll be fine." I said with a laugh. 

"Alright well i should go get ready for the day. Text me later?" She says.

"Will do. Bye" Then she hung up the phone. I smiled as i shut off my phone. I walked back into the room and all the guys cheered.

"So about Becca, Jordan." I started. He rolled his eyes.

"Arizona is coming here next month and if you don't figure out this whole Becca thing by then i'll expose it." I demanded. Becca stood up from her chair.

"Wait what?" She asked.

"I'm done with the fake girl friends. I have a real one and I'm happy with her." I said.

Arizona's POV.

Liza picked me up at around 12:50. We headed over to the ice cream shop and met up with Carly and the boys. 

"Hey!" Quinn greeted us. Liza and i said hey.

"Matt, whats with the camera?" I asked, noticing his camera on his shoulder. 

"Oh, i was just taking picture of LA, my parents own a photography company." He explained.

"Thats cool." I said. We all went and ordered ice cream then went back out side of the little shop. We walked around down town for a little.

"Liza, Ari, get together for a pic. Jake wants one." Carly says.

"Ooooo why you talking to Jake?" I said with a smirk on my face. She smiles and takes out her phone.

Liza and I pose for a pic.

"Send that to me?" I asked. My phone buzzed with the photo a few minutes later. I smiled and went to post it on instagram. 

"Caption ideas?" I asked the group. 

"Just say 'Buzz' " Blake says after no one says anything. We all laugh at his idea and i type in 'Buzz' and post the picture. 

"What time is this party tonight?" Carly asks

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"What time is this party tonight?" Carly asks.

"Six. I'll pick you up at five thirty though." Quinn answered.

"I'll pick you up at five thirty, Liza." Blake said, looking at Quinn. He laughed a little.

I looked at Matt. 

"Be there at six to get you. We can be fashionably late." He says with a wink. I started to crack up. 

"Oh what ever." Quinn says. 

I was dressed and ready by 5:45. I had found a colorful dress in my closet that i hadn't warn since last year. I left my hair natural and branded a front section out of my face. I applied a little bit more make up.

 I applied a little bit more make up

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I heard the doorbell ring around 6. I grabbed my phone and left with Matt. We headed over to the hotel which this party was taking place. We stepped out of the car and entered the building. I was Liza and Carly over by a table. 

"Hey, i'm going to go say hi to Liz and Carls."  I said.

"Wait, come meet some of my friends first." Matt said, he grabbed my arm and pulled me  back to him. I walked over to a group of people with him.

"Ayyyy Matt finally got him self a girl." One of the guys said. Matt just laughed. He didnt deny it.

"Well actually-" Someone else cut in.

"Wow where did you find a beaut like this?" Another said, looking at me up and down.

"We arent da-" Cut off yet again.

"Matt has Destiny seen this girl of your?" One of the girls asked. Matt just shook his head. 

"She won't care any way. Have you seen the guy she's here with?" Another girl added.

"She found a date?" Matt asked.

"Whos-" I got cut off again.

"Yea, he's quite the guy. Hot.. and well... hot." She continued.

"Yeah but Matt's girl is Hot and well... hot." One of the guys but in. I could feel my checks go read. 

"Matt, i think I'm going to go find Carly and Liza." I said to him. I felt uncomfortable around these people.

I walked away to find the girls before Matt could answer. I looked around for a bit but couldnt see them anywhere. I finally gave up and sat at an empty table. 

I took out my phone to see a few missed text messages from Sean and Liam. 

Sean said he hopes I'm having fun and good night.

These damn time zones.

I went back to my message list and opened up the one from Liam. It said, "Hope you know how much Sean misses you. Kid won't even play FIFA with us. Damn you Arizona." I smiled at his message. 

Someone sat down next to me and I looked up to see who it was. I hadn't ever seen this person before. 

"I have never seen someone so lonely yet have such a big smile on their face." The boy says. I guess i was still smiling from Liams text. I giggle a little.

"I'm Mason." He sticks out his hand. 

"Arizona." I respond.

"Arizona? Thats a pretty name." He says.

"Thanks." I respond with a smile.

"So were you dragged here too then dumped off?" He asks. I laugh a little.

"Pretty much." I respond. 

Mason and I make small talk for the next hour or so then finally Matt comes over.

"Arizona! I've been looking for you." He says. He was followed by a blonde girl with short hair.

"Mason there you are!" She says. 

"Wait he's you date?" Matt asks the girl.

"She's your date?" She responds. She looks disgusted at me. Mason and I laugh.

Hold On - Sean Killeen Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now