Part 15 - Epilogue

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Sean's POV

It was finally the day that Arizona was coming to the UK. I couldnt wait to show her London and everything here. We had already planned a Nando's date for tonight. Her flight would be in at around 8 AM. 

I was up and ready at 7. Liam had said he would go to the airport with me to pick her up. They had grown a brother-sister relation ship and to be honest it was actually really cute. 

When i went out to the living room i saw no one was awake. Understandable. I scrolled though twitter and responded to some tweets for a little then finally Liam came in. He looked so tired but so excited. It was 7:45 when we left for the airport. The house was about five minutes away plus the short metro ride. 

We got there and went to find what gate she would be at. We only stood there for like three minutes before people started coming out.

I could feel my heart racing. God knows how many days we had been apart. It was all far to long. 

Then, I saw her. I saw my beautiful Arizona walking towards me. Before I knew it was running up and embracing her in the biggest hug i had ever given. I missed her. Her smell, her hair, her eyes. Her everything. 

"I missed you" I heard her mumble though my tight grip.

"I missed you too." I responded. I let go of her to find her eyes filled with water. She laughs a little and wipes under them before hugging Liam.

"Hey L." She said.

"Welcome to the UK, Ari." He said.


Okay so i honestly haven't uploaded or writen anything in like forever and I'm sorry i hate my self but i just feel to busy and theres so many ideas that i have for other fan fics. I also don't really see this story going anywhere. So i guess what i'm saying is that this will be the end of this story. Who knows, maybe I'll write a book 2? I don't know. For now though, I'm working on a Bradley Simpson fan fic so if you like him keep an eye out for that. Anyways, I hope you did enjoy this 15ish part fanfic. I enjoyed writing it for the past few months. Thanks for all the positivity on it. Love you all xx Ari

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