Part 4

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After the show we all climb onto the tour buss and drive to Utah. It was late and everyone was tired and quiet but Arizona was even more quiet than usual. When we get to the hotel at around 3AM we all hear fans out side of the buss. Everyone grabs their bag and head out. Arizona and I are the last ones out. When we step out the girls go crazy. I could tell Ari was getting annoyed. I can't blame her, I was very tired too. I grab her hand and we walk in together. Charlie checks us all in and comes back with a piece of paper.

"Alright, Liam, your with me, Trevor, your with Gabe and Sean and Arizona are sharing a room." He says, reading off the paper.

"Wait what?" She says.

"Yea I guess so if any fans find the rooms it won't blow your whole, thing." Charlie says.

"Great." She says. We head up to the rooms. When we get into ours Arizona walks in first.

"Oh hell no." She says, stopping in the middle of the door way.

"Whats up?" I ask, walking in next to her.

"Dear lord." I say. I drop my bags.

One queen bed. Are you serious? I mean yea i'm starting to have feelings for Arizona and all but I know she doesnt like me so i don't want her to hate me even more.

She drops her bag on a chair and gets out some pajamas. She goes to the bathroom and changes. I change while she is in the bathroom. When she walks out she seems mad.

"Oh great, you sleep shirtless." She says.

"I can, put one on if-" I start.

"If you want."

"No its fine" She says. She seems upset.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She walks over to the window and looks out.

"Yea." She lets out a sigh.

"I'm just-" She pauses.

"Stressed." She says.

Arizona's pov

He doesnt say anything. He simply just walks over to me and stands next to me.

"Sean, I don't like any of this." I confess.

He doesnt say anything. He just lets me talk.

"I don't like lying to your's and my fans." I say. I look up at him and he just looks out the window. He states quiet. He looks down at me.

"What if we didnt have to lie?" He says. his words confused me. My heart was beating faster and faster but my brain was saying no, no, no.

"Sea-" His lips cut me off. I get the same feeling that i got before only this time stronger. Our lips move in sync before i pull away. I just look up at him. He smiles. God, that smile. I swear it will be the end of me.

In that moment i let my feelings get the best of me.

"So?" He says, expecting me to answer. I say nothing. I just kiss him back. This time i wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls my body into his. We break the kiss with both of us smiling. I look away and am brought back by Sean literally sweeping me off my feet. He plops me on the bed then climbs in as well. I plug my phone in and he turns off the light.

"Good night, beautiful." He says. I fall fast asleep.

Hold On - Sean Killeen Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now