Part 12

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Arizona's POV.

It was around 4 when my phone started blowing up. My friends had all sent me the same picture. I couldnt see what ut was by my home screen so i had to unlock my phone to really see it. Boy, i wish i wouldnt have done that. I went to my most recent message of the picture from my friend Jenna. She says "Tf i though you were still dating Sean..?" I look at the picture and i sear my heart dropped into my stomach. I say Sean kissing some Brunette girl. I almost dropped my phone. Tears rose into my eyes quickly. I go to my text messages from Sean. Nothing new. I turn off my phone and set it on the table. I rub my eyes with my hands and take a few deep breaths before texting my girl friends.

"out tonight?" If i knew anything about my girls it was that they loved to go to downtown LA and mess around. I hadn't gone since before Sean. Liza was the first to text back.

Liza: I'm in! But what about Sean, he wouldnt like you messing around wouldnt he?

Carly: Liza...

Carly the sent the picture.

Liza: Pick you up in 30. Everyone meet at the regular spot at 6:30.

I smiled at my phone. I got up and went over to my closet. What to wear? After about 20 minutes of trying to pick an outfit i finally decide on a white crochet top along with light blue denim shorts and a tan cardigan. I leave my hair in the same loose curls they were in all day and head over to apply my make up. At 6:20 i hear a nock on the door. I rush downstairs to see Liza standing there. I open the door.

"Hey hot stuff!" She greets me

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"Hey hot stuff!" She greets me. I smile.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

"Yea!!" I reply.

"Let me go get my phone real quick." I say. I run back upstairs to my room and grab my phone. I rush back downstairs and head out the door. In the car i check my phone. I had a missed call from Sean as well as a text message. I look up from my phone and look out the widow before i read the text message. Liza looks at me.

"Ignore him. Tonights your night, you deserve a distraction." I smile then look back at my phone.

Sean: Hey, please call me? We need to talk xxxxx

Liza took my phone.

"hey!" I yell.

"You'll get this back at the end of the night." She says. I roll my eyes.

We meet the rest of the girls at our normal spot.

"Damn Ari. " Carly says.

"Yea, what the hell, i wish i looke that hot when my boyfriend cheats." My other friend, Niki says.

"Thanks guys." I say with a smile.

"Where should we go first?" Liza asked.

"We could go watch Lily dance. She has recital down the way. " Carly says. We all look at her a little strange. Lily was her 14 year old sister

"Theres some really hot guys on her team." She adds.

"Who does she dance for?" I asked.

"Star" Carly says.

"Oooo yes, their guys are hot. i'm in." I say. I use to dance for six years but i stopped last year.

We headed over to the theater and find some seats.

Sean's POV

"Shes not answering." I complained to the boys. None of them said anything.

"Do you want me to text her?" Liam asked.

"No... Yes... No... I know she'll respond to you and it'll just makes me stressed." I said.

"How do you even know she saw it yet." Charlie asked.

"Because she would text me back if she didnt know what was wrong." I said. Liam just looked down at the ground. He opened up his phone and i knew he was texting Arizona but i couldn't stop him.

Liam's POV

I unlocked my phone and texted Arizona. I knew Sean knew i was texting her but I needed to sort things out. I knew she would ignore him for days just like last time and i couldnt bare to see Sean go though that again.

(Liam and Ari's conversation)

L: Hey !

A: hey.

A: Liam, I don't want to talk about the picture.

L: I know. I know.

L: But can I just explain it?

A: What is there to explain? He found a new girl because its easy to get away with shit when I'm in America.

L: Thats not what happened.

A: Sure its not.

L: Jordan set them up. She's a crazy bitch. Sean didnt do any thing, he was just the victim. He didnt have any time to explain anything and it all just happened so fast. Arizona its just a fake relation ship like the beginning of yours. Why they made this a whole big deal i don't know. I personally miss you just as much as Sean does. I know he was excited when you said you would come over for a show. Ari, he misses you. He wants you.

After that she didnt respond. I shut off my phone and let out a sigh.

"What did she say?" Sean asked. I nodded my head side to side. I couldnt look at him.

"Just give her some time." Gabe said. Sean stood up and went to his room.

A/N Sorry it took so long to update! I've been so stressed with school and stuff like that but NCH AND OA ARE GOING ON TOUR WAIT WHAAAAAAT OML I'm dead. ahah anyway heres a small two chapter until i can find time to write more but make sure you comment what you think so far i would really appreciate it! Also! My friend is working on another Fan Fic on this acc that she plans on publishing this weekend maybe? Its called "Ocean's" So keep an eye out for that as well. THANKS FOR 500+ VIEWS OML WHATT okay bye i love you all xxxxxx - Ari

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