Part 9

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Seans Pov

Arizona basically collapses on me. I smile.

"I missed you a little." She says.

I smile at Jake and he smiles back. He walks over to us and rubs Arizona's back. She look back at him.

"I'm going to go, i have to feed Tickles." He says. She smiles.

"Hey Sean the traler is loaded so we can go back to the hotel at anytime." Charlie says. Arizona and I look at each other. I lift her up off her feet into a cradling position. She wraps her arms around my neck and giggles.

"No way im letting you leave again." I say. I start walking over to the van with her still in my arms. We make our way back to the hotel and when we get there Arizona and i go straight up to my room. When we get there she flops down on the bed and lets out a big sigh. I just smile at her. I walk over and hold out my hand. She looks at me an grabs my hand. I lead her onto the balcony and she looks out on Chicago. Ill have to admit the few was very beautiful but nothing will top the way Arizona looked right the and there. I take a seat on the chair and she sits in the other one. We dont talk for a little then she finally speaks up.

"Okay, im going to tell you everything and you just have to promis me you wont say anything until im done." She says. I nod. Then she begins.

"So starting off with Jake. His mom and mine were best friends all though high school. They were basically sisters. When Jake and I were young we were practically raised together. Even though he was two years older he was the best friend i could have ever asked for. When my dad got sick, him and his mom became very distant. His dad was no where to be seen. I wouldnt see him for days at a time which was strange. Finally when my mom left Jake and his mom left too. The only reason Jake and I are still friends is because of social media. I didnt know where he was for three whole years. When i was 13 i got my first phone and found him on social media. We started talking like nothing had happened. He was my best friend all over again. He told me that my mom and his mom had been planing on running away from everything for a while now and that my mom was in chicago some where but Jake wasnt allowed to know. Skip forward a few years to when i was 15/16. I come home from school one day to see a missed call from Jake. I call him back. He tells me that my mom came to their house, drunk and all messed up. He said she talked of mailing me a letter so of course i go to get the mail. I look though it for the letter and i find it. I hang up the phone and run to my room. I expected it to be her saying she was coming for me. That she missed me and that she wanted me back." She pauses to wipe her tears. She pulls out her phone.

"The letter read," She begins reading something from her phone.

" 'Dear Mim,
Sorry for leaving you at such a young age. Your dad and I had talked about adoption for a few weeks back then and when he got sick all the paper work got caught up. I had never planned for a daughter and if im being honest you were a compleat mistake. You took away my life, putting yours before mine? Thats ridiculous. Sorry for not saying it to you face i guess you are old enough now. Kisses, mom. " She puts her phone back and looks up at me.

"So then after that I just stopped looking for her. I tried my best to just push her out of my life. About a month ago now James came to me and told me we had to talk. I was a little confused because him and I had never really had a good conversation for a while. When we got together to talk he told me that my mom had emailed him saying she wanted me back. I of course didnt and still don't want anything to do with her. I told him that i didnt want her to take me and that she couldnt take me because I'm 17 and she can't take custody over me. He said that she can have me move to Australia with her though some law." She stops and wipes her eyes.

"Sean I don't want to move to Australia." He says, looking up at me now.

I put my hand on hers.

"Hey, " I say.

"I'm not letting you move to Australia." I tell her

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