Beds and Blades

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Eliza couldn't deny her curiosity, a million questions running through her head about the boys new life, little did she know Damain was just as curious about the girl as she was in him. Instead the two opted to walk in comfortable silence as the boy quietly guides her through the hallways. Eliza was oddly relaxed around Damian, she trusted him and he was one of the few parts of her past that didn't hurt to think of. She actually had many good memories growing up with the boy.

Damian was more grown up since she'd last saw him those years ago. His appearance isn't much different, though his cheeks and jaw are more defined and he's grown out of his boyish look into a sharp features. His cropped dark hair almost seems to make the jade colour of his eyes flash deeper as his gaze flashes in the fresh sunlight streaming through the windows. Eliza notes he seems much calmer, more structured now. He's grown past the anger and hatred he has towards everyone and seems almost, wiser.

"This is your room," He says gesturing to the large guest room, which now has the girl's bag placed carefully on the king sized bed. "I'm just across the hall if you need me."

Eliza nods in silent thanks, eyes scanning over the lavish room. The walls are decorated with dark wall paper and the floors are hardwood with a large carpet beside the bed. There's a nightstand beside the bed and a door leading to a walk in closet. The girl sinks down into the wine stained sheets on the mattress as she reaches for her bag to unpack her things.

Damain leans against the doorframe, watching the girl unload her bag full of weapons and few supplies. She pulls out her katanas, the delicate blades sheathed as she lays them gently on the bed.

"You still have your katanas," The boys says, more a question of surprise then observation as the girl softly smiles.

"These will always be my blades," she says, stoking the handle engraved 'الموت بالنصل', death by blade. "Do you still have yours?"

"Always," He replies, a wistful smile forming across his lips I smile softly in return before looking down to my blades again. "I suspect you'd now rather me call you Eliza then the name given by your father."

"Yes, Eliza is much nicer. Makes me feel... human," the girl says, eyes meeting with the boys before she shrugs slightly. "It's strange, though. All of this is going to take some getting used to."

"Welcoming change is one thing, but welcoming freedom is another battle entirely," Damian says, the girls smile falters and he thinks he may have just ruined the light conversation before she slowly nods.

"It's a battle I'm willing to fight."

The two fall silent again, content in each others presence with knowing that the other is alive and safe.

"I should go take a shower. Me and Dick had been training for the past hour. I probably smell horrible,"  Damian says, breaking the comfortable silence that has settled between the two as he moves to leave before stopping himself as he turns back to the girl. "Eliza?"

"Yes, Damian?" The girl asks, gaze curious as the boy speaks almost sheepishly.

"Well I know that we were meant to be married and everything, but-"

"Damian, it's okay. I think it would be better to fall in love and get married on our own terms. I'm not still hung up on the whole arranged marriage," Eliza interrupt, already guessing the cautious nature of the boys question as she breaks into a small smile.

"I'm glad we're on the same page," Damian says, returning the girls smile before slipping quietly from the room. Leaving Eliza alone with her thoughts in the vacant room of her new life.



Wow shitty chapter ending part 2. My bad guys I literally just don't know how to end chapters without it being hella awkward. Also sorry this chapter was really short it was more of a filler and seeing how Damian and Eliza act now even after the years of being apart.

The next few chapters will be a little slow and boring just a fair warning but it all had to lead to something so don't worry everything will pick up soon.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed part six of "Bloodshed is All I've Ever Known" part seven will be out soon!

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Edit April 2020:

This chapter is pretty much just a filler but I thought we could go for some awkward reunited teens.

Hope you enjoyed!

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