Saviours and Salvation

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Warning: mentions of blood, gore, death, and fighting


All that surrounds her is darkness.

The rest of her body is numb. Deprived of all sense except for her sight.

She doesn't know how long it's been.

It could've been days, weeks, maybe even months that she's been kept in this state. Dormant and weak as she lay alone with nothing but the darkness to accompany her.

She lay oblivious to the world. Oblivious to the chaos around her as battle looms overhead. She seeks comfort in the darkness, her troubled mind finally at rest even though it may be blank.

She hears a commotion above. Where from she does not know but it sounds like a stampede from above her. They're running. But what from? Or where too? And who is they?

The girl doesn't dwell on the thought, letting herself slip back into the darkness before the banging grows louder and louder.

There's someone outside.

The girl cannot move. Her body frozen to the operation table as the darkness around her starts to feel uneasy.


Someone's pushing on the door, attempting to open it. But why was it locked in the first place?


Where was she? Who was trying so desperately to get to her? Why can't she move?

Bang, Bang

The girl tries desperately to do something, anything. Wiggle a toe, move a finger, but to no avail. She's stuck. Her brain lands on a more morbid thought, maybe she's dead and this is all that the afterlife is.

Suddenly, the banging stops. The quietness hardly eases the girls mind as she focuses, willing to prove her theory untrue, as she struggles to move even a finger.

The silence doesn't last for long as a loud bang echoes across the room. Shaking the walls and ceiling as the girl feels pellets of debris rain onto her skin. Reality hits her like a ton of bricks. Someone's blown the door open.

A set of footsteps moves over the wreckage. The audible crunch of gravel beneath boots echoing through the prison as fear now strikes the girl. If she could, she would scream in agony. All she wants is her finger to move for Christ sake!

The footsteps stop, and the girls finger twitches.

"I found her," a voice calls out. It belongs to a boy. The tone soothing, yet saddened and the girl notes how it sounds so familiar before sharp pain flashes in her head, blinding her momentarily. "She's alive. Barely."

The footsteps move closer to the girl and she feels a presence beside her as they come to a halt. They're so close now. She can hear them breathing softly, unevenly but not quick as they loom over her figure, presumably staring into the girls unmoving face. Was it to be her saviour or demise?

Damian can hardly stand the sight before him. She's frail. Her darkened skin splashed with marks of red abuse and dark yellowing bruises as her cheeks stand out, hollowed just like the rest of her. He would think the girl dead if it wasn't for the slight rise and fall of her chest.

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