Gowns and guns

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Eliza lets out a sigh, glancing over herself in the mirror as the long gown fans out past her legs. Tonight is the annual Wayne Charity Ball and the girl dressed up elegantly from head to toe. This was going to be her first meeting with the elite of Gotham as Bruce's new orphan.

She feels confident, albeit a little nervous for the ordeal as she makes herself look as presentable as possible. The dress she wears is a simple dark green gown that hugs her body and makes her brown eyes shine against the fabric. On her feet adorn a pair of expensive black pumps and her neck and ears flash with intricate gold jewelry. Her whole attire screams wealth and Bruce had insisted on taking her shopping before the gala.

Eliza's long black hair is straightened and fans over her shoulders in dark strands. Her makeup is simple, yet, makes her features look older and sharper as she finishes the look with a swipe of dark red lipstick.

"Eliza, are you ready?" Dick's voice echoes through the room as his knuckles wrap against the door. The girl reaches for the handle, swinging the door open and facing the man who's hair is slicked back and his built form is now adorned with a dark suit. His blue eyes widen as he stares at Eliza, she looks so grown.

"You look quite handsome," the girl says, eyes running up and down the man's figure as she smirks.

"So do you. I mean, uh-"

"I'll accept looking handsome," Eliza chuckles shaking her head as Dick fumbles his words. "Are you and Damian waiting on me?"

"No, not at all. We just finished getting dressed."

"Perfect, I just need to grab my handbag. I'll meet you two out in the car," the girl says, lips pulling into a soft smile as the two part ways.

Eliza's steps echo off the empty hallways as her heels click against the floor. She opens the door to her room, a soft meow sounding inside as Alfred jumps down from his perch on her window and comes to rub against her legs. She reaches for the small handbag on her dresser grabbing some extra lipstick, money, and perfume before slipping a switchblade into the bottom as well.

"Are you really ready for this?" She asks herself. Gaze trained on the switchblade flashing threateningly in the dark handbag.

She shuts the purse, moving back down to the foyer. Damian awaits her there. Eliza thinks he looks beautiful, if only she'd known he thought the same as he watches her carefully as she ascends the stares. The long green gown framing her beautifully as she smiles softly.

"You look beautiful," the boy says, his sweet words causing Eliza's ears to grow hot as she shyly smiles.

"You look handsome yourself," the girl says, staring his clean look up and down. He's dressed in a simple black suit, his dress shirt and tie black as well. His hair is slicked back and he looks sharp. His broad, fit shoulders accented nicely under the well tailored suit.

Damian extends an arm that Eliza happily accepts. Hand gripping his bicep softly, her darkly painted nails flashing against the fabric of his suit as he guides her down to the car where Alfred and Dick wait for the two.

"Took you long enough," Dick chides, earning a playful glare from Eliza as she settles into the back beside Damian. Bruce had left early to help finish a few touches and it was just the four in the car as they pull away from the mansion.

"Now, once we get there there's going to be paparazzi. They're be a lot of people, and a lot of flashing cameras. It might seem a bit... overwhelming but me and Dick will be by your side," Damian pipes up, reassuring the girl as she nods, thankful for the boys warning.

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