Bitches and Backstabbing

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Eliza can't help feeling uncomfortable under the students gazes. Her hands clench at her sides as she stares right back at all the curious teenagers. The girl doesn't pull her gaze away until Damian places a hand gently on the small of her back from beside her, causing her to jolt as she's taken off guard. The boy shoots Eliza a concerned look that she turns away from as she begins moving towards the entrance of the school; her body hyper-aware and alert. She feels so exposed, so naked under all the kids gazes, but it hardly causes her steps to falter as she continues on with poise. As the newcomer passes, like a row of dominos collapsing one by one, the kids begin whispering to one another.

"Do you think Damian has a secret sister?"

"Do you think she's homeless and the Wayne family took pity on her?"

Eliza can't help hear the gossip, but she hardly bothers to give it any attention as she walks into the school, Damian keeping close by her. The girl instantly forgets about the lingering eyes as she takes in the scene inside Gotham academy. It's busy. Kids mill around in the halls, discussing their weekends and schooling, talking and laughing with one another that creates a buzz throughout the hallway. Eliza isn't used to all the noise, all the people, but she forces herself to relax and focus on putting one foot in front of the other as she continues on.

"Damie!" A voice calls out above all the commotion, catching Eliza's attention as she turns to the source of the noise. A girl with long brown hair moves towards the billionaires son and the stranger, a smile plastered over her lips  and a glint of hunger in her eyes as she stares the boy up and down.

Eliza's steely gaze lands on the girl approaching, eyes running up and down her slender form. Her white blouse had the top buttons undone and the bright pink bra she wore underneath was exposed through the material. Her dark skirt was hiked high to show  off the girls long, fake tanned legs. The shoes she was wearing weren't the mandatory uncomfortable black shoes but instead a pair of four inch heels that screamed wealth. Her brown locks were curled and placed delicately over her shoulders and she was very, very pretty. The girl reminded Eliza of the models she saw plastered outside retail stores, their faces painted and frozen in time with the look of false luxury.

"Hi, Jenna," Damian replies, sounding rather disdain as the devil in Prada stops in front of the two.

"Where were you? I hardly got a text back all weekend!" Jenna says, placing a delicate hand on the boys bicep as his features pull into a scowl at the nickname. Eliza shifts uncomfortably at the scene, moving to make her escape and go find her classes before Jenna's gaze turns on her.

"And who is this?" She asks, her smile turning forced as she looks Eliza up and down with a distasteful glint in her eyes.

"This is Eliza. She's going to be living with me and my family," Damian says, turning down to face the girl, who's beginning to look rather uncomfortable.

"And just why is she living with you?" Jenna asks, her jaw clenching ever so slightly. Eliza isn't one to assume things about people, she's been a ghost amongst society and she hardly knows how to be a respectable human being herself, but it's safe to say her assumption about Jenna being a total bitch isn't that far from the truth.

"I don't see how that's any of your business," Eliza says, voice sharp as she returns the girl's look of distaste. Jenna's features twist into a scowl, not pleased with being told off as she lets out a huff.

"Well, isn't she rude. I was only asking. No need to get defensive, Eliza," Jenna says, saying the girl's name as if it's putrid to the tongue. Eliza's glare doesn't falter from the Brunette as Damian steps in, wanting to avoid a cat fight minutes before first period.

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