Names and Neglect

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Eliza feels her heart stutter. How. How could Jenna know her real name.

"Pardon?" Eliza asks, forcing her voice to stay calm and steady, despite her heart hammering in her chest.

"You heard me. I know allll about you," Jenna says, a evil smirk placed across her painted lips as she looks rather satisfied with herself.

"You're mistaken. I grew up in Bludhaven my entire life. My father was a business partner and very good friend of Bruce and I was brought to live with him when he died. I'm Eliza Blakley. I don't know who this Eliza Abadon is, but you must've been huffing too much nail polish if you think we're in any relation," Eliza defends, holding her composure, but even she can see Jenna isn't budging on her, not-so inaccurate accusation.

"Lies. All lies. I looked into your little story, and let me say, it was hard to uncover some dirt. Someone obviously doesn't want the truth getting to people who could use it against you," Jenna says, a giggle slipping past her lips. She gets joy out of seeing Eliza's facade crumble before as the girl drops her innocence.

"What, you mean people like you?" She snarls, voice growing cold.

"Exactly," Jenna replies, pleased that she has the girl like putty in her hands as a coy smile plays across her lips. "That's why I'm going to make a proposal."

"Thanks, but no thanks. Do you really think anyone will believe one little spoiled rich bitch throwing herself a tantrum?" Eliza asks, brows raised as the girl laughs, a cold, high-pitched sound that makes the girls blood boil.

"I had help and I have pictures, writing, and even witnesses with proof that I'm not lying," Jenna says, Eliza's ears grow hot, but this out of pure anger and frustration as she silently seethes. "I even spoke to your father."

Eliza's heart drops. She was not prepared to hear that.

"My father?" She croaks out, disbelief painting her features as she hardly believes Jenna spoke to her father, much less helped the monster.

"Yeah, I found your piss-poor asshole of a father's phone number, and decided to give him a ring," Jenna says nonchalantly, as if she didn't just phone one of the most murderous men in the world. "Honestly, I almost feel bad for how shitty your life must've been. Living poor, working in a small town at the local crappy gas station as the owners daughter."

"Gas station?" Eliza questions, her brows furrowed as she's now genuinely confused.

"I saw the posters with your face plastered all over them deep in the web. Sounds like daddy-dearest really wants you to come home," she says shuffling through her small clutch. "You can't slip past this one, I got the proof right here."

Jenna unfolds a small piece of paper and shoves it in Eliza's face. As clear as day, a picture of the girl is splayed over the front. Her eye is mangled and gaunt, and her cheeks appear hollow, but the face is still hers nonetheless. MISSING is splayed in dark font above the girls features and she knows her father must've devised some sick fake missing case in hopes to have Eliza back in his clutches.

"What happened to your eye. Get hit with the shovel one too many times?" Jenna says, attempting to get a rise from the girl as she snatched the paper away from her and stares at it with wide eyes and shaking fingers. "Now again, back to that proposal. Your father gave me his number and with a click of a button I can call him to come pick you up anytime I please, but I'm going to give you an option. The option to runaway to god knows where and leave Gotham, never returning again. You won't say goodbye; you won't come to visit. You'll disappear and it'll be like you never even existed here. You'll stay far away from Damian, and thankfully, away from me."

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