Sleep and Shadows

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Warning: swearing and puking I guess

Three days.
Three full days went by and everyday Damian, Dick, Bruce, or all three came in to check on the girl. She could hear them, the hope they're words have for the young girl to awaken, but her eyes still lay shut as she battles her mind within.

Eliza was stuck in a deep sleep with no awakening and each passing hour felt more torturous than the last. The girl would've rather died then be trapped in this circle of pure torture.
Each day Damian would come to her. Telling her about his day or old stories to pass the time as all she had left to do was listen.
Everyday Eliza would try to force her body to do something, anything, to show the others she was still there on the verge of consciousness, but her body would not obey her mind.

Eliza wanted so badly to awaken so she could wrap her arms around the ones that she has grown to love in the few months grown to know them.
For her to place her lips against Damian's and feel herself kiss back seems like a lifetime away and she prays to be able to feel something other then such horrible agony.

The worst of it all might be that Eliza remembers everything. It is strange how time in my own mind opens up doors that I thought were well hidden. I had forgotten about being captured and experimented on. I had forgotten about being trapped in the temple. I had even forgotten about the battle which ended my fathers life. My amnesia must've been a side effect of the machine, but sitting in my own darkened sleep gave me time to think and recall all those events that would've been better lost.

Other then the frequent memory gain, my mind has been acting strange and I have been blanking out a lot.

I would go from hearing Damian talking about how he sassed Jenna off his front doorstep, to the change in topic about the wounds on my body halfway through one of his sentences. It's like I'm falling asleep or blacking out in my own mind and I find it unnerving.

It was nearing to the end of the fourth day of me being in this strange state. Damian is currently sitting beside my bed holding my hand. It makes my fingers comfortably warm and it only makes me wish to grasp his calloused hands in my own tightly. Damian is telling me, for the fourth time now, how the small family had found me at the temple.

"Me and Grayson were looking through some security tapes from the highway out of Gotham and we noticed a suspicious black van with European license plates. I zoomed in and almost immediately noticed your father in shotgun while the man driving the mysterious van was an old accomplice that had worked at the temple for your father. It was the first lead we had in a week and we knew we had to take it. I remembered where the temple was located and we wanted to set out almost immediately, but father made us stay back a night so he could call Tim and Jason, and me and Dick would actually be able to get some real sleep and food," the boy says the pad of his thumb running smoothly across the back of my hand.

My mind replays this information from the same conversation we've had for the past couple days. I don't mind hearing the same thing over and over again though. It gives me a chance to hear Damian's voice and at least feel connected to him in some type of way.
It's also nice that he cares enough to update me everyday on every little detail just to show me he's here.

Damian squeezes my hand in his own slightly and I feel, and hear, him stand up from his chair. He leans over me and leaves a soft kiss on my forehead and I want to scream and yell at how painful it is to just lay here while this boy, no this family, worries tirelessly over me.

"I'm absolutely starving. I will return soon enough my beloved," Damian says sweetly as he moves a piece of hair that has brushed across my face.

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