Willpower and Worries

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All she feels is peace. An inner contentment that was only satisfied by her one true friend.
The darkness. The horrors that seem to seep through the blank dark cracks aren't there anymore. The only thing left is serenity and peace in the girls mind as she lay for days. Blank stare covered by closed lids as her chest slowly rises and falls amongst the dark sheets of her bed.

The door creaks open, and the battered features of Damian poke through. Checking on the girl as he does each day, hoping he'll find her wide awake, though he looses hope as the days pass.

"Good morning, my beloved," the boy says softly, moving to sit in the vacant seat beside the girls bed as he stares at Eliza's still features. Even sleeping she's beautiful.
"I brought you water and some chicken soup. Dick told me chicken noodle soup has healing properties. I always thought that was completely unethical, but this time I hope it works."

Damian reaches a hand out, grabbing onto Eliza's limp fingers as he sighs softly.

"I do continue to worry greatly though," he continues. "Everyone does. Dick has been coming to you everyday. He's been talking to you, updating you on the new events in his life. Though, it's usually the same as he hasn't left the house much in the span you've been asleep. He's protective of you. Not letting anyone in the house,and especially not letting anyone near you."

"Bruce, has been worried too. He wasn't completely satisfied that you were okay untill every doctor in all of Gotham and beyond had confirmed that you were safe. He spends time in his office quite a bit and tries to visit you for meals."

Eliza can hear his words as clear as day. The thought making the darkness around her much more weary as the warm, calloused hand against her own feels so inviting. She can feel a large cut on his palm and the scrapes against his knuckles and she wishes nothing more than to hold the boy back just as tight.

"I on the other hand," Damain lets out a dark chuckle. "I was a mess the first two days. I cleaned the wounds that scattered your body. Alfred insisted that he could do it himself and I should tend to myself, but I ignored him. I didn't eat or sleep. I was hostile and mad, lashing out at nearly everyone and everything. The only thing that mattered was that you were okay. When the first doctor came and told us you would be alright I was overcame with joy. But even after then, i never left your side. I stayed in your room every night and brought your food everyday and my temper and habits!changed as the relief settled that nothing was fatal." the boy sighs and clicks his tongue softly.

Eliza wants to scream, she wants to cry, but her body resists. Her mind trapped in the prison of her body.

"Damian!" Bruce calls for the boy down the hall as Damian let's out a sigh, running a hand through his disheveled hair as he gives another lining look to the girl.

"I'm sorry, my darling. I'll be back as soon as I can," the boy brushes a strand of dark hair from the sleeping girls face before leaning down and laying a soft peck to Eliza's lips.

The warmth of Damain disappears from above the girl now begging her body to awaken from its painful slumber and Eliza is left feeling lost as a lone tear slips from my closed eyes.



Anyways I am so sorry I have hardly had time to write and I kind of lost a little interest in this story for awhile but now I'm back and I'm coming back kickin.

I will hopefully have my other chapters up MUCH faster then this one. Now that summer is here I have more time and I've been feeling really inspired lately.

I edited this a bit because Damian sounded OOC a shit but hopefully it's better now.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed part twenty-four of my story "Bloodshed Is All I've Ever Known" part twenty-five up soon!

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Edit Aug 2020:
I'm so sorry. I honestly just went MIA for a few months and haven't had time to edit as much lately, but I'm working on it! This is a really short chapter and I hope it's not too confusing with the switching p.o.vs

I hope you enjoy the new edit!

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