Messages and Madmen

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The manor is silent when the boys return home from patrol. Dick assumes Eliza must be in her room, moping about her stripped freedom or pouring over research as she has been the last few days, but when Damian goes to check on her she's no where to be found.

Dick and Damian fear the worst, and decide to go look for her, hoping maybe she just took her time returning to the manor. Bruce doesn't intervene, he too fearing the worst at Eliza's absence.

That's how Dick and Damian ended up underneath one of Gotham's law firm building. The office towers high and Damian knows this building has one of Eliza's favourite look out points. The two ascend the building but the top lay empty. The lights twinkling from the city illuminate the darkness below as Dick peers over the edge.

They've looked just about everywhere the girl could be and Damian begins to feel defeated, wondering if the girl had just run away before his gaze catches something odd across from him.

His hand reaches out, grasping the piece of paper secured between a beam. Preventing the paper from blowing away in the cold night air.

Dick is oblivious to the discovery. Still attempting to reach Eliza through her com, her voice worried as he grows more agitated. Damian pays him no mind, unfolding the paper as his eyes scan over the words written in neatly printed Arabic.

Dear, Batman.

I know you've been keeping my precious daughter, Qatal in your possession. I am disappointed you would add such incompetence to your team of well fitted allies, but hardly surprised my sorry excuse for kin would woo you to accept her into your homes.

Though, she mean no less then a common rat to me I don't like to have what is mine taken from me. And it seems you have stowed my daughter for much longer then I can approve of. I have decided to step foot in Gotham and claim what is mine.

I suggest you forget about her.BShe will soon be rid of this earth. You shouldn't fear her death, nor should you look for it. I do not wish to take the girls life, I wish to make her a memory, a ghost. Which is what she will be to you and all else who stumble upon her.

You cannot find her, for I will be too far and you cannot save her, for she is already deteriorating before my eyes. If you come to rescue her my armies will smite you and blood will be spilled. If you choose to turn your backs a great reward will be bestowed upon your city of Gotham.

I hope you consider my conditions, and I hope you heed my warnings.

Sincerely, The Black Death.

The paper shakes between Damian's fingers. Jaw clenching tightly as he reads the words over and over, hardly believing their horrible truth.

Eliza was in the clutches of her father again. The plans he has for his daughter hellish as Damian can't help but feel fear and desperation for the girl.

The boy stands, handing the paper wordlessly to Dick who stares oddly at him before diving into the note. His features morphing as the letter progresses. Damian's gaze is trained on the skyline, wondering if it was the last thing Eliza saw before her capture.

"We have to find her," Dick says, hands tremoring as he gives Damian back the note. "We have to find her before he kills her."

"He won't kill her," Damian says, but the disparity in his voice doesn't sound hopeful." "He'll do so much more than kill her."

"Jesus Christ," Dick says, tugging at his dark locks as he begins pacing. "Where would he keep her?"

"There's a few places Black Death has hideouts, but if we're looking we better start now. He already has a head start," Damian says, brain running a mile a minute. Dick moves towards him, laying a hand gently on the troubled boys shoulder as he looks deeply into his eyes.

"We'll find her," he says, attempting to assure his brother as the niorette stares back to him, gaze sharp.

"We have to," Damian agrees, hatred burning through his body as he knows blood will be spilled for the girl they've grown to care for.



I edited this one a bunch. It's really short and I wanted to add more emotion but I feel it's a little lacking. It was kind of hard trying not to make it sound OOC and I know when I first wrote it, looking at it now it was garbage, like totally not what I wanted at all. Everyone was very out of character and just know a lot of my other chapters beforehand and later on (especially the ones after this one) everyone is super ooc but I swear I'm fixing it. I'm just working on another story and I want to make sure I do it right this time.

I still hope you enjoyed part Seventeen of "Bloodshed is all I've ever known" art eighteen up soon!

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Edit May 2020:

Totally revamped this chapter. It flows a lot nicer and I think it's better not having to switch point of views so much. There's still not enough emotion as I'd like but I didn't want to overdue it.

I hope you all enjoyed :)

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