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My heavy boots hit the hard pavement of the roof with a soft thud. I smile softly as I reach the edge of the building to look over the city lights.

I hear a noise behind me quickly followed by two arms wrapping around my waist. I look down to see a pair of green gloves intertwined around me and my smile grows wider.

"My, beloved," the intruder whispers in my ear. "You run far to fast and throwing those obstacles in my way was quite unfair."

Damian clicks his tongue unaprovingly as I chuckle and turn around so I'm face to face with the masked raven haired boy.

"It's not my fault you don't have the skills like me," I say, a soft smirk on my face as I tease. Damian merely rolls his eyes and leans in for a loving kiss. Capturing my lips against his chapped ones as I sigh quietly with pure content.

These are the moments I live for. The reasons why I escaped in the first place. Yes, maybe I was captured again but that time I knew I had something worth living for. And as I stand here on the top of a roof overlooking Gotham City in my lovers embrace, I know it's still not fair of how I was treated but I know that it was worth it.

I know that I did the right thing in the end. I know the explosion went off. That it killed many people, and I know most those people were just following orders. But at least now I know that they will not be able to hurt again. I know now that I am free, and no one can take that away from me. Ever.

Damian pulls back from me and smiles and although his eyes are covered by his mask I know the beautiful jade colour behind it is still shining brightly.

"If you guys could stop canoodling we have a robbery taking place on the east side if you would like to join us," a voice over the comm says snapping me out of my daze.

"We'll be there in a few. Handle it till we get there," I reply as I break away from Damian.

"Already am, buttercup," I hear Nightwing say as distant fighting can be heard over the sound of his voice. I give Damian a kiss on the cheek as I turn from him. My small jog picking up to a sprint as I near the edge of the roof. My feet kick off as the ground suddenly leaves my feet and I am left with nothing but air as I plummet towards the next building.

My feet hit the gravel with a soft crunching noise and I roll to recover the fall and turn around to see Damian still perched on the other roof, smiling at me.

"You coming, slow poke?" I ask mockingly as a grin appears on my face.

"Always," I hear Damian retaliate as he jumps to the next building and lands much like me. He smiles at me as he stands up brushing dirt off himself.

"Race ya!" I yell as I begin to run. Getting a head start.

"Oh it's on," I hear Damian say devilishly from behind me as I laugh.

And maybe, bloodshed isn't all I know.



Okay, are you guys in tears? Because I'm in tears. I know that This is such a short chapter but it's an epilogue it's not gonna be 3000 words. But oh my god this is my last chapter. The end!

I hope everyone enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know it was a little slow coming up but I have the utmost respect for all of you who have voted and commented such nice things on this story, it really makes my day and I hope you continue with that type of love!

I hope you all enjoyed my story and last chapter of "Bloodshed is All I've Ever Known" much love for you all❤️❤️

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