Secrets and Suffers

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Bruce's steely gaze scans over the letter for the millionth time. Analyzing the lettering and words for any clues. Dick is glued to the computer, eyes bloodshot from loss of sleep and hair disheveled as he rewatches the street cam videos for any sign of where Black Death took Eliza. Damian paces relentlessly. He's on edge and nervous, searching nonstop for something, anything to where Eliza could be.

The group is growing tired, having already searched for hours. Each hour passing only fuels Damian's anger further. Such hatred for whoever held such joy in Eliza's pain and the devil of a man that was her father. Razeek Abadon, better known as his alias Black Death was one of the evilest men Damian had met. He was a madman who ran ungodly experiments on innocent subjects in the name of science. He could make even the calmest of men fall mad and held no emotion for anyone. Not even his own kin. His own daughter who he was supposed to love and protect now beaten and scarred for his own pleasure. Razeek was a psychopath, and he loved every second of it.

Dick curses at the computer, snapping Damian out of his thoughts as he turns to his brother

"How the hell did they do that? I thought at least one of the cameras would pick up something around the building, but it's like no one was even there. They vanished without a trace," The man says, irritated as he puts his head in his hands, tugging at his dark brown locks.

The doorbell echoes through the house, causing the three to snap from their tired states as they look to one another. Confused as who could be at the door unannounced.

Damian is the first to move from his spot, rushing quickly from the Batcave to the front door. Alfred stands beside a girl, and Damian's heart drops once he realizes who it is.

Jenna stands there, prim as ever with a pink gym bag in her hand and a piece of bubble gum smacking noisily between her glossed lips.

After the realization comes the anger. Like a raging storm pulsating through Damian's body as his fists clenched and unclench. She was the one who did all this. She was the one who felt so threatened by Eliza she called her father. She was the one who let him know where she was. And she is the one with the blood on her hands.

"Alfred, can you give us a moment?" Damian's voice comes out surprisingly calm despite the rage brewing in his system. Alfred is quick to excuse himself and Damian goes to speak before quickly being interrupted.

"You look like you got no sleep," Jenna says, staring the boy up and down, hardly realizing anything is wrong as she blatantly insults him. "Did you forget about our gym date?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Damian asks, voice laced with disbelief as Jenna huffs, rolling her eyes in the process.

"You know, we go to the gym, get all sweaty, get some smoothies-"

"I will be doing more such thing. I'm busy right now and if you had any sense-"

"Ugh, it's about Eliza isn't it?" Jenna interrupts rolling her eyes in disgust as Damian's blood boils.

"Yeah, it is," the boy says, voice as cold as ice as he steps over to the girl, glowering above her with rage. "Something you want to confess?"

"What are you talking about?" Jenna scoffs, though Damian can see the fear behind her eyes as he shakes his head.

"T-t-t, you think we didn't know about your little 'chat' at the gala the other night. When you blatantly threatened Eliza," Damian is now right in front of the girl, steam practically pouring from his ears as Jenna steps back till she hits the wall.

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