Past and Present

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It's been two weeks since Eliza arrived at the manor. She's been getting along well with everyone. Joining the boys during training and patrols, but the girl prefers to stay by herself. Mostly staying tucked away in the library with  a good book early in the mornings or long past nightfall.

Eliza bonded well with Dick over the past couple of days. She thought is was wonderful sparing partner, and found him easy to talk to. Dick is proud to see her warming up to him, little by little and believes, given time, the two will be close to one another.

Damian joins Eliza often in the library. The two welcoming each other's company, the familiarity of one another calming even if neither of them speaks much. When the two speak it's usually of their time since they had last seen one another. The boy has learned more of Eliza's escape and, in turn, he's indulged her in the tales of him battling crime alongside his father and even joining alongside a team of misfits to face crime. The teen titans as he called them. Eliza has also taken a great liking to all of Damain animals. Almost instantly falling in love with Titus once she met the large pup.

Bruce speaks to the girl when he can. Allowing her to help with his cases and asking if she's adjusted well to the manor or if his boys are being respectful. Elizas indulged him with more information about the League of Assassins, and in turn he's vowed to find her father and bring him to justice.

It's almost March now and Eliza can feel the seasons swiftly changing over the country side. She almost misses the bustling life inside the city, but the calamity of the acres of free land is a peaceful break from the usual darkness of the streets of Gotham.

Eliza still can't help but feel out of place amongst the family. She sees the glances of pity that flash past her after a night spent screaming over dreams plagued by nightmares. They look at her as if she's a porcelain that will shatter at even the most delicate touches. And though the girl is broken she is defiantly not soft. The family, of corse, means no pity by it. They're merely worried for the young girl as she stays so closed off, so cold to the rest of the union world around her. Eliza still can't seem to grasp that for once in her life someone cares.

Fresh spring air flows through the window left ajar in the library. Eliza doesn't mind the cold bite the slight breeze leaves on her exposed skin as she sits curled in an armchair near the window with a copy of Jane Eyre.

"Dinner is ready if your hungry, Ms," a voice echoes through the library, catching the girls attention as she pries away from her book to look to Alfred at the door.

"I'll be there in a minute. Just have to finish the chapter," Eliza says as alfred gives a shake of his head.

"You said that yesterday and we didn't see you emerge from this library until nearly midnight," the man says, causing the girl to sighs as she marks her page before allowing the butler to guide her to the dining hall.

Eliza wasn't used to having food at her disposal. She used to be fed meagre portions at random times of the day and she was never aloud to just go to the kitchen and make whatever she pleased. The idea that she was now having full, and delicious meals and aloud to snack at her own free will was something the girl was just getting used to.

Eliza is the last to join the others at the table. Sitting to the left of Damain as she notices Dick hadnt joined them tonight, presumably headed back to Bludhaven for the night as the girl stares at his empty seat. The meal of roast beef and mashed potatoes looks mouth watering, and the girl is just about to devour her plate
before Bruce clears his throat to capture her attention as she turns to him.

"Eliza, I think it's time we discuss school."

"Yes, it is," The girl says, catching the man by slight surprise as he hardly expected her agree by the girls blatant disdain any other time he mentioned the topic of schooling.

"Well, what do you propose?" Bruce asks, interested in what had changed the girls mind.

"I propose, that I never walk into that hell hole as long as I shall live," Damian snorts as he tries to contain a chuckle from across the table. Bruce shoots his son a glare as the boy quickly regains himself under the heated look.

"I think you could use a proper education, Eliza."

"I choose to, respectfully, disagree," the girl says calmly as she shoves a forkful or potatos into her mouth.

"You could meet some new people, work on your social skills. It's not like you won't be alone. You'll have Damian," The man suggests, gesturing to Damian who has his mouth stuffed full of roast beef.

"Do you really think I'm ready? You know, I have been closed off from society most my life I'm not too sure I could really 'get down' with my peers."

"Yeah, not if you talk like that," Damian says with a chuckle.

"I think you'll do just fine in the outside world," Bruce says, ignoring Damian comment. "We'd just have to make a few... adjustments."

"What do you mean by adjustments?" The girl asks, eyeing the billionaire suspiciously. "If your asking me to go under the knife-"

"No, not plastic surgery. One of my friends up in Wayne enterprises has taken my special request to design you a lens that will allow your damaged eye to appear normal. With that, and a bit of makeup you'll look like a regular nobody," the man reassures, Eliza still feels unsure of the idea, but she supposed she shouldn't defy Bruce. After all, he is allowing her the most freedom she's had in years.

"Alright, you've convinced me," the girl says, letting out a sigh as the man breaks into a prideful smile.

"Perfect, you start tomorrow. I have all your books and other school supplies along with your class schedule. Alfred will drive you and Damian in the morning," Bruce says, satisfied that the girl had finally given in. He didn't want to spend his whole night arguing with me, which he was of coarse prepared to do.

"But, I'm making no promises I won't get into trouble," The girl mumbles, grabbing her half eaten plate of food and bring it to the kitchen.

"I can take that from here, ms," Alfred says, smiling warmly to the girl as she thanks him before leaving it on the counter.

The girl heads back upstairs, racing with what she thinks her first day of school and her first day in public, will be like. More importantly, the girl wonders if someone will step in her line of fire.



Sorry if this was short I didn't really want to make it long. It's more of a filler chapter and I kinda wanted to catch everyone up.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed pt. 7 of "Bloodshed is All I've Ever Known" Pt. 8 coming soon!!

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Edit April 2020:
This is another short chapter that's more of just a catch up of recent events but I ended up cutting a lot of stuff from when I first wrote it.

Hope you enjoyed :)

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