Rumors and Regret

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The city of Gotham buzzed about the newest addition to the Wayne family for days. Newspapers across the city screamed the name Eliza Blakley after her first appearance in public at school and at Wayne enterprises alongside Damian.

"Eliza Blakely. Is she secretly Bruce Wayne's child?"

"Real or just a cover up on Eliza Blakley's parents?"

Bruce didn't release much information on the girl other then she was now living with him and would be attending the upcoming Wayne Enterprises charity event in a weeks time.

Eliza knows all the excitement about her will blow over in a matter of weeks, and the people just starved for something to talk about. She still can't help but feel so exposed when she's out in public and all the eyes turn to her. Strangers whispering and staring as she passes by. They think she can't hear them, the words they say, but she always knows. She was bred to pick up on things best left secret.

Eliza preferred it when she was unknown. People tried to make friends with her; some genuinely nice and others just trying to get the fortune they now think she posseses from living with such wealth. Some, but very few, still let sweet words slip past their lips as a gimmick to get into the girls pants. Her radiant beauty not going unnoticed by the boys, but many still fearful to approach due to Damian's constant presence around the girl. Many even speculated the two were dating, which caused a certain brunettes blood to boil.

Jenna was still very sour towards Eliza. Attempting to spread rumours in the hallways and insult the girl whenever possible. She learned to bite her tongue after Eliza constantly upped her at her witty comments and showed that she clearly didn't give two shits about what the girl thought. But that still didn't stop her from throwing herself on Damian, much to his dismay, anytime she was in close range. It didn't exactly bother the girl, but she found she didn't like keeping her eyes trained on the obvious flirting for too long.

Outside of Damian, Eliza has met other people around school she actually enjoys the company of. Her and Jewls now sit beside eachother in all the classes they share. She likes to talk a lot but Eliza likes the company, usually just staying quiet and throwing the odd comment here and there. She spends time with Jewls in the art rooms at lunch where she showed her to paint. Eliza instantly fell in love. Never able to use such a beautiful thing as paints before. She knew she'd have to ask Bruce if she could buy a few supplies to start her own collection.

By night, the girl is a masked vigilante roaming the streets of Gotham with Batman, Robin, and on occasion, Nightwing.

Eliza and Dick have grown on eachother. They spar regularly, and sometimes after a particularly gruelling training session the two go into the city to their favourite ice cream parlour downtown.

Of corse, her and Damian are still partners in crime. Dick and Bruce silently agree the two are soft when it comes to one another and then never seen Damian quite so concerned and protective over another being. Eliza and him spend many sleepless nights together and on weekends they can be found tucked atop the couches in the library, either reading one of the many books or finishing their homework. They're still lethal together when it comes to fighting. Both so in sync when they spar, moving around one another so delicately. Their strengths and downsides equal, only making the fight more entertaining and challenging as they exchange smiles when one pulls a particularly challenging move. Damian is always by Eliza's side when her dreams become dark and she wakes up with a scream tearing at her throat. Keeping her close and calming her mind until she slowly drifts back to sleep in the dead of night.

Bruce and Eliza have a pretty lowkey relationship. She helps him with cases and getting more information on the League, and he in turn checks up on her often and has always reassured her if she needs anything to just ask.

The city is starting to feel more like a safe haven as each day passes for Eliza. She's getting comfortable, maybe even a little too comfortable.

Eliza thinks those thoughts late at night. The nights after he patrol when her minds still running rampant with adrenaline and the stars seem just a little brighter in the dark sky.

It's nights like tonight when the moon shines high and she wants nothing more then to lay outside underneath the skies and feel the night breeze over her skin. She falls into a restless sleep, mind racing before her thoughts slowly slip away into the darkness.



Okay this is literally just a recap chapter of the past little while like one of my previous chapters because, let's face it, I don't need to dedicate a chapter to every one of these little things. It would get awfully boring and I'm trying to get to the interesting parts.

So this was about a month after Eliza has moved in and I probably should've put that in there but, whatever.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy part ten of "Bloodshed is all I've Ever Known" part eleven up soon!

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Edit April 2020:
This is a pretty short chapter and is mostly just a recap of everything that's been going on since Eliza started going to school. I kinda like this one tho. Also note that I totally stripped the chapter that was originally after this one. I found it unnecessary and too short.

Hope you all enjoyed :)

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