1. Ezra and the golden boy

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A/N: I'm so excited about this guys tbh you have no idea.
So honestly I don't have a strict plan for this prequel. Obviously I know what should happen so it will link to Colourless, but other than that, I'm winging it for now. It was fun to write about Ezra again, albeit extremely different because she's two years younger now. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter (and this prequel in general).
I'm not sure about an update schedule for this, mainly because I have two works in progress at the moment and I have a lot of schoolwork. I'm thinking I'll probably alternate between the two stories, which would make it so I update this story around once every two weeks (but this could be more often if I can manage it). 
If you have any suggestions, corrections, constructive criticisms, or just thoughts about the story in general please feel free to drop a comment. I always keep track of them. 
If you enjoy this beginning chapter, please vote and let me know! c:

Describe yourself in three words. How are you even supposed to react to that question? If you answer too positively, you look vain. If you answer negatively, you look like you're seeking attention. Ezra didn't remember what she answered to that question. She was asked it a year ago, in English class. 

For some reason, she was thinking about it as she was sitting at her desk, in a different class a year later. What would she have answered a year ago? 

Sarcastic, witty, fun. She pulled a face. Maybe not. Outgoing, interesting- No, that's too boring. Excitable, friendly, dramatic. That must have been it. That's what she was last year. She still was, right? Hopefully.

What would she answer now? She didn't know that either. Different, independent, happy? It didn't seem right. Different, maybe, very different from last year, but was that a good thing?

Unsure, nervous, lonely. No, too sad. She was just anxious; she wasn't sad. 

She looked up at the teacher with concern. The worst thing that could happen was that everyone would hate her, ignore her, perhaps even make fun of her for a while. The best thing? Well, she'd be able to say "yes miss" without a cracking voice and red face. To Ezra, one of those options seemed much more likely than the other. After all, her face was already red; she could feel it. As she sat, gripping the edge of her desk with one hand and her pen in the other, she knew her face was burning up.

"Ezra," the boy next to her whispered softly, "can you stop bouncing your leg?"

She looked up at him with wide eyes. He spoke to her again; was that weird? He'd spoken to her a lot the past week, and she still wasn't sure exactly why. His name was Luke. She knew that. Everyone knew that. He was pretty much famous at Bankside High, but with fame came attention, and that wasn't something Ezra ever wanted to deal with. So, when Luke spoke to her, she often felt weird. She didn't really display it though, or if she did, Luke never said anything.

"Sorry," she said, and she fought to stop her muscles from moving. "Coffee."

"You had a gallon of coffee or something?" He asked light-heartedly. He was always like that. She always saw him joking around with his friends; they liked him too. Everyone liked Luke.

Ezra laughed. "Uh, yeah, this morning."

"Don't you get the caffeine crash all the time?" He asked, and it almost sounded as if he had a genuine interest in what she was saying.

"I do," she smiled, "but it doesn't last long." He watched her as she reached into her bag and pulled out a can.

"No way," he said, before looking up at the teacher. She was sitting at the computer, about to take the register. He looked back at Ezra and shot her a stunning grin. Ezra had heard some girls talking about him getting his braces off over the summer; she'd never paid attention to his teeth before now, but they were perfect. He was perfect. He spoke in a low voice, "You think I could steal that from you?"

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