10. Ezra and whiskey in a teacup

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A/N: So this is almost late but not, and not proofread because laziness. Comment if you notice anything dumb because I'm so tired omg. Vote if you liked the chapter too c:

Feyre was a sociable person, extroverted and loud. That was just how everyone knew her, and she had no problem with that. She enjoyed being the one that everyone chatted to when they didn't have much else to do. It made her feel like she was a welcoming person, a little shelter from whatever they needed to be sheltered from. Her small talk skills were incredible; there wasn't a boring subject in the world that she couldn't make interesting for the brief five minutes she chatted about it. Yet, when it came to actual meaningful subjects, she had more of an issue. So, Feyre wasn't the person Ezra usually came to to talk about serious things like her sister or her exams; she could talk about it casually, but deep conversations weren't her thing.

Ezra was having an issue. That was also an issue, because she didn't have anyone to talk about the issue with, making it worse. Ezra's issue was that she was most definitely about to have a panic attack, and Kya was two hours away with Addison, where she had no ability to comfort her. In fact, Ezra was pretty sure Kya's phone was turned off, too. 

She didn't really know what to do. After coming to realise that Kya seemed to be her only real comfort, there didn't seem to be a hope for coping with her anxiety on her own. Still, she was determined to try. She tried drawing on a little pad of paper she managed to find with her shaky hands, but that didn't do anything. So, she tried putting on some music, but that wasn't useful either. Her last resort was to message someone who wasn't Kya, and she didn't have much hope for that one.


As expected, Feyre's reply was fast, because she was always messaging someone if she wasn't hanging out with someone in person. Hi, how you doing?

Straight away, Ezra hesitated. She could lie if she wanted to, tell her everything was fine and just try to use the messages as a distraction, but her chest already felt like it was tightening. It wasn't exactly like she had much to lose if she told Feyre at least some of the truth. I'm a little anxious I guess.

Feyre started typing, and then stopped. Ezra knew she had trouble having deep conversations with people. She started typing again. Is it really a little?

It was somewhat surprising to Ezra that Feyre had been able to see through her message. Not that she was paying any attention to anything but compressing the panic deep down into the bottom of her stomach. It's a lot, I think I might have a panic attack.

There was a long silence where Ezra had to just stare at the ceiling with tears in her eyes, trying desperately to compress what was inevitable. She almost missed Feyre's message when it came through. Someone complimented me on my coat today. You know, the fur one we bought together?

Ezra knew Feyre couldn't have a deep conversation. She went with it. You wear it all the time.

True, but someone came up to me on the street and said they liked it.

It was believable. Feyre was the type of person people approached on the street to tell them things like that. She was showered in compliments a lot. Ezra just guessed she stood out, so people noticed things about her more. Feyre was good at standing out and being able to cope with the limelight. Do you know who it was?

Not personally, but it was one of Luke's group.

Ezra smiled at the mention of Luke, remembering when she had seen a glimpse of him at school that Friday. He had said something that made the whole group laugh, but she focused on his the most. She imagined that his eyes lit up, but she couldn't have seen it from the distance she was at. Which one?

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