19. Ezra and circles

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A/N: I haven't been writing author's note recently because I haven't had much to say, but this chapter was written a week or two ago now so if there are any mistakes in spelling, grammar, etc, that I've missed, don't hesitate to let me know.
Or if you like the chapter don't forget to vote or comment what you think c:

Kya getting back from Dalacine was a strange experience for the entire Allemande family. Her parents were happy, obviously, and eager to return to normal life. They had made a cooked breakfast for everyone, and all six of them sat at the kitchen table, pancakes set on plates in front of them. Kya was opposite Ezra, and the twins were at the ends of the table in highchairs. Every once in a while, one of them had to reach and help out Amelia, because she was the one closest to them. Their parents dealt with Nathan at their end of the table.

The thing was, things felt a little too normal. After three months of staring at Kya's empty seat and waiting for them to actually acknowledge that she still existed, now that her parents actually talked to Kya about things, it was just weird. Too normal, or maybe it was just fake. They weren't that kind of perfect family anyway, so she didn't know why her parents were asking Kya about her school day and talking about current affairs with her when she'd barely been back more than a few days from being in a mental hospital. A mental hospital. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be a big deal, but it felt like one to Ezra. Of course, she didn't say anything about it because that would have got her into a subject that she could assume only she wanted to talk about.

Ezra ate her pancake reluctantly, watching as her sister talked away to everyone, pausing to eat her breakfast occasionally. She listened to the clink of cutlery more than what they were saying. Ezra watched Kya. She watched and watched and watched. She didn't even know why. Something just felt off. 

Kya answered questions and made comments, and Ezra could see the gears working in her brain. Swiftly manoeuvre the conversation away from anything about Dalacine or school or social life, make sure whatever she said sounded enthusiastic, keep smiling. Ezra didn't know what she was supposed to think about the way her sister was acting, because that was the thing: it was acting. There was something about this that gave Ezra a very bad feeling, and the problem was that her parents were blind to it.

When they'd all finished breakfast, Kya helped Amelia out of her seat, smiling and joking. She looked like she was trying to be the perfect example of something. If Kya was the result of a transformation, Ezra felt like the before picture. What was the transformation supposed to be? Either way, apparently it was convincing to her parents.

For some reason, Kya tried to avoid Ezra as they got ready for school. Every time they passed each other by the stairs, searching for textbooks and a will to actually go to school, she would avoid Ezra's eyes. She tried not to feel hurt by it, but it stung in a way she didn't recognise. 

They met Addison on their slow walk there. She looked like she was bouncing with excitement, and Kya mirrored the enthusiasm before she even knew what Addison had to say.

"You'll never guess what I did last weekend," she squealed to Kya. She acknowledged Ezra too, but it kind of felt like an afterthought. 

"What did you do?" Kya asked as they walked, practically hopping.

"I told him," Addison exclaimed. Both Kya and Ezra stopped abruptly, mouths hanging open with shock. Kya's eyes were filling with proud tears, while Ezra just filled with secondhand anxiety of what the situation must have felt like.

"You did?" Kya placed a hand of her mouth, but it barely covered her smile. She enveloped Addison in a bear hug, dragging Ezra in too. They stayed like that for a few minutes, a tangle of limbs and laughter. "I'm so proud of you!" She said to Addison. They didn't need to ask what Santiago's reaction was because it had clearly been positive, otherwise Addison wouldn't have been half as excited to tell them.

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