12. Addison and reflections

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A/N: The picture included is Addison, just by the way. 
Hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forgot to vote and comment if you did c:

Kya didn't really want to meet Addison after school for the rest of that week, and Addison didn't push it because she knew that Kya would come back eventually. Their time together at school felt fine anyway, as long as they didn't mention anything to do with Dalacine or just whatever the hell was going on in Kya's head. Addison didn't exactly enjoy dodging conversations, but it was less stressful than having them. At least she could say she wasn't making anything worse. Then again, maybe she was. There had only been one time where Kya had ever explicitly said that she needed to talk, but Addison had a feeling that often the times when she stayed silent were the times she needed words the most. But she didn't know, and she didn't want Kya to push her away permanently, so she didn't say anything about it.

It was Friday night when Kya called her. Addison had been trying to sleep, but without much luck. Having the ringtone pierce through the silence was almost a relief, until she realised it was Kya. There was nothing good about Kya calling at nearly 2am.

Addison didn't bother with greetings. "Is something up?"

She could hear the wind through over Kya's voice, echoey and strange. "Just the sky, I'm hoping." Her voice sounded normal, and that was the weird part. Kya didn't call when she felt normal. Addison wasn't sure Kya had the ability to feel normal anymore.

"Why'd you call?" Addison asked after a pause. She sat up in bed, her covers wrapped around her legs. Vague outlines of furniture formed in her vision, but there was nothing of interest there. She stared towards the slightly lighter space that would have been the window if it was daylight.

Kya breathed out, which she had done before. There was a strange pattern to it, but Addison didn't really think about it. "What? Am I not allowed to talk to my best friend now or something?"

"Kya, it's two in the morning. You know I have to catch a train at 7." Addison flopped back down in bed, still holding the phone to her ear. She turned over to face the wall. There was a picture of the two of them taped to it.

"I know," Kya exhaled again. 

And then Addison shot bolt upright. "What the fuck, Kya? You called me while you're smoking?"

There was a silence. Kya didn't breathe out that time, almost as if she didn't dare to. "I didn't think you knew."

"You've smelled of cigarettes for two days now," Addison had to resist the urge to shout in exasperation, "you can't expect me not to notice."

"I've only had, like, 9," Kya said, as if it would make it any more acceptable.

"Tell that to me in a few months when your lungs are black."

"Come on," Kya tried to lighten the situation, "the worst they could be right now is a slight yellow."

Addison didn't find it funny. "I'm not talking about now, though, am I?" No, Addison was talking about the future that they had planned together, and the fact that at this rate Addison was going to be the only one in it. To Kya, it might have only been a few days that she had lost, but to Addison, those were days that she was probably going to have to live without her best friend, her only friend who had been with her through everything. The thought of it scared her half to death.

"What do you want me to do?" Kya replied, as if what Addison was saying was unreasonable.

Addison filled up with a simmering anger. She sat, boiling on the inside, trying to keep it that way. Then, she couldn't do it anymore. "I want you to stop destroying yourself! Who do you think you fucking are?"

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