chapter vi

111 29 14

How can Nicole and ehm what's his name? Oh yeah Jason how can they be siblings? Like Nicole is so sweet and pretty and Jason on the other hand is the opposite of sweet although he's very handsome. I'm thinking maybe they gave nicole's mom the wrong baby at birth cos the principal seems so nice but who knows I haven't seen his dad so yeah. Wait why am I trying to figure this out?

6:00 am

"Anna!!" I hear my mom shout from downstairs

"I'M UP!" I scream louder than I should cos the birds beside my window flew away. I'm sorry birdie

After taking a very long and mesmerising shower, I turn it off and get out of it.
So from seeing the girls at Louiseville and their dressings, I don't think I'm anything close to their dressing styles maybe I'll have to go shopping for new clothes maybe close to their level.

After getting dressed in a pink tank top that says "Barbie" on it and a white sweat pants and my converse, I jog downstairs to greet mom who is already dressed.

"Hi mom, where are u heading to?" I asked

"Morning, well you know I need a job so I have know go find one"

Oh no! Not like I'm against the idea of my mom getting a job but it's just that that was what led to her marrying George who ended up making our life a disaster. She married him to take care of me cos her work requires her working over night and I was 14 then so I needed someone to stay with me. Now she wants to get a job! I just hope she knows I'm old enough to take care of my self this time.

"Anna, did you hear me" her voice brings me back to reality

"Oh sorry mom. I was just thinking about some things. So what kind of job are you gonna get?" I asked hoping she doesn't say over night

"Oh, I was thinking about what happened last time so this time..uhm I think I'm just gonna go for maybe part times? Or just a job that won't require me working overnight even though I love working at night" she says

Yipee! And did I mention she is a workaholic? I didn't? But I just did!

"Thank you mom, I love you" I say giving her a hug "so mom are you gonna drop me now?" I say taking an apple cos I don't feel like taking breakfast.

"Sure. You don't want breakfast?"
She asks

"No mom. Not in the mood" I reply

She nods and we get into her car and zoom off

Today's ride to school was horribly silent which I don't know the reason for but thank God I'm out of the car now. I wave at her and get into the school building and I see Nicole waiting for me at my locker but she wasn't alone. She was with....that boy I told you she sat down with during history. Seriously what's between this two? I have to ask her. P.s no I'm not a gossip

"Hi nicole and hi..." I say to nicole and the boy whose name I dont know

"Hi Anna, this is Brian. Brian, that's Anna " Nicole says

I look at Brian taking in his physical features, he has blue eyes, pink lips. He was very cute actually so I don't really blame Nicole for always hanging out with him. And don't blame me. It's not my fault we don't have cute guys where I come from.

"Hi Anna, nice to meet you. You must be friends with Nicole" Brian says and must I say his voice sounds like Justin bieber's own.

"Oh hey nice to meet you too and yeah I'm friends with Nicole" I look at nicole to confirm the friends part and she nodded her head so yipee!!!! I made my first friend. Thank God George is dead at least noone will be around to send her away with their invisible horns. Oh yeah George I've to ask mom when I go home about the George's case.

"Okay that's cool. See you girls later. I've to go fix something" Brian says while giving Nicole a hug and waving at me and off he goes.

"Bye Brian" we both say.

"Gurl, you gotta tell me something. Who's Brian to you?" I ask. Don't blame me guys I need to fill my ears.

I see her face turn a little red and she's like "he's my boyfriend!" She squeals

"Awwwn I should ve known. Lucky you gurl. He seems pretty nice"

"Thank u. Yeah he's super duper nice" she says blushing

We laugh and the bell rings so I check my schedule and find out I'm having maths first like seriously why math? I already know how to calculate and do all those things. What do I need math for.

Unfortunately Nicole has Chemistry so we won't be in the same class first period so she walks me to class but not without telling me how she and brian met she explained everything I must confess I got tired but what you do for friends.
She waves me good bye and heads towards the chemistry class so I am on my own.

At least I'm quite early today so not any of the chairs is occupied except one with a very nerdy boy on it. He looks creepy to be honest.

I walk to the total back of the room and pick the chair beside the window and soon the late bell rings and everyone starts rushing in and then someone sits beside me just as I was about to find the person who sat beside me

"Hey annaball or should I say anna barbie" he says looking at my shirt.

it is the monster! Everyone run!

"What do you want?" I asked

"Wowowow calm down annaball. Stop acting like you are on your period" the monster said and everyone erupts into volcanos of laughter what's funny people??

"Excuse you? Are u crazy? Oh well I guess that's a rhetorical questuon cos it's obvious" I snap

Everyone goes alll 'ooh' 'wow'
Then the nasty girl (kira) says "Anna don't u dare talk to my boyfriend like that!" She looks like a clown. The amount of liquid foundation on her face can wash the whole school

"Stop it Kira! I told you never to stand up for me like that and by the way I started the talk not her" says monster
is monster standing up for me? Yes he's Anna yes he's.

"Ugh! Fine Jason do whatever you want! But Anna watch it. I dont wanna see you close to me or Jason" nasty girl says

"Oh well I don't wanna come close to you too in order not to get pneumonia from your cold attitude and by the way u need some wipes for your face. The liquid stuff is too much" I say tossing her my wipes

Everyone started laughing including monster but he just chuckle and say "Wow annaball you are a diva"

I just roll my eyes and watch Kira stomp out of the class and by the way I feel like a sassy diva and remind me to learn more comebacks cos I think I'm gonna be needing it.

The teacher enters and we begin our class and soon the class is over but not without monster staring at me at least thrice.
Get a grip of your self monster

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