chapter ii

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My mom is a stubborn, straight foward woman. She never takes no for an answer but the fact is I got all these traits from her. Day by day I find my self becoming more like Mrs Hailey ( my mom) or should I say miss? My mom and I have the same Hair type and colour but I think I have my dad's eyes.

I am already packing but Mom said I should take only some items cos after wards she will be sending people to bring the remaining goods cos we need to leave here soon and I'm like woman chill! You killed him by showing self defence like seriously you killed a devil. Why Is that a crime? Mehn I think I should run for presidency when am old enough. Who's with me?

We got into Mom's car with our little bagage already in the trunk
" Mom where are we going to in canada?

"Anna, I seriously don't know where we are going to but we just need to get far away from this place" she said this without making eye contact with me. Is something else wrong here that I don't know of? Is this not just about George's killing?

"Mom is any other thing wrong? Apart from devil's incarn- I mean George's killing"

Phew! I would've gotten into the 'don't say evil of your step dad talk'

She gives me a knowing look and starts to break down.

" Anna you are only 16, and you are already facing this just because of me. I feel like a bad mother" then she starts weeping fully.

Wait did she just say she feels like a bad mother?
This woman here is my hero. She killed the man I've spent my last 2 years plotting on how to kill like seriously.

"Mom you are not a bad mother. You are the best mother in this world trust me mom. Now just put all these behind you and let's go find another place to stay"

I think that gave her a little courage as she snuggled my hands with hers and gave me a small smile  and started the car engine.
During the ride, I caught mom staring at me sometimes; like seriously mom I ain't sad cos that devil incarnate is dead I'm so happy so she should just put her mind at rest. P.s: I've a heart.

It's almost 7pm and it's already so dark here like seriously then I turn to mom whose skin looks so pale and her eyes look bulky and I look at my own reflection in that mirror thingie in front of me and I looked like the normal me just a little bit tired and a bit uglier. I felt sorry for mom.

"Mom I'm sorry about this whole thing. Are we close to where we will stay?"

" It's okay Anna it's not your fault it's all mine" here we go again.

"And by the way, we are stopping at a salon to change our looks so it's like 20 more minutes drive from the salon" I Nod my head and notice she can't see me so I said "okay"

come to think of it this look thingie might not be bad. I can choose to look like Kylie jenner or maybe Beyonce or better Michelle Obama.!!!

As if mom read my mind..
"And don't think this look thing is a big happening it's just to make you look a little bit different that's all." She said

I deflated like a balloon but I hope I still get to pick my hair colour and all that
Yeah, you might be thinking I didn't text my friends when I was leaving but guess what? I don't have any friend. I'm serious not even one and the reason is anytime I make one and invite them to the house, George scares them away with his invisible horns and they avoid me after wards so I'm always alone but I'm don't really find it as a big deal.

"Wake up Anna. We are at the salon."

I try to take notice of the salon. I wanted to scream but then I remember today's occurrence and why we are in an unknown location.

" are u ready now?" Mom asked
I just nod my head and follow behind her.

We enter a large place with the word 'salon' largely printed on it with the black colour. Did I mention I loveeeee black?

Immediately we enter a young lady looking like she is in her late 20's says "Hi, I am Kate, I work here and will be the one to take care of your needs have your seat she says pointing to 2 empty chairs behind us.

My mom gave her an award winning smile that I only get to see once in a year and I'm like wow mom wow you should win a title for best actress in the world.

My mom and Kate have a very lenghty discussion and all Kate did was to nod her head and look at my direction and I give her one of the stares like 'Am i that Ugly'

Finally they are done with their discussions and Kate signals to me to come over and sit on one of those chairs- you know those chairs in front of the mirror, where you sit to do your hair?.. yup that chair

I sit on one of them and I am about to tell Kate how I want my hair to look like and she's like "don't worry little girl, Mama knows what you want"

And I give my mom the 'I'll kill u' look and she gives me a real smile and just nods her head.
What's wrong with women? Gosh!

Kate starts her duty and gives me a blindfold to put across my eyes to make me suprised and she continued chopping ny hair.....
Soon she's done, HALLELUJAH!
I immediately rip the blindfold off my face and I'm like "DAMN I look beautiful" and Kate is like " yeah honey I told u" and I immediately like Kate.

Mom starts tearing up and she starts omg-ing "Omg Anna you look beautiful" she continues omg this omg that and I just smile and go to sit down so she can have her own hair done.

I look into the mirror and I notice my new look. Before I used to have this long ponytail with fish ends now I have all those rocks tars flair hair and the tips are dyed slighty blue and the remaining black. I look like a teenage rockstar. I definitely love this look.

While I was still fantasising about my hair, mom was already done and must I admit, she looks beautiful and younger. I swear i nearly do no recognise her.

I run up to her and hug her very tight "Mom you look so beautiful" she smiles "Thank u Anna, You look more beautiful"

When we were about to leave, Kate gave us some makeup applications to use to cover up our faces in order to look different and mom cant stop thanking her and soon we are on the road to a new world, where i don't know what lies for me but I sure hope to find out what life holds for us.

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