chapter vii

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"Anna!!" I hear nicole scream immediately I reach the door of the class

"Hey gurl what's up with the screaming?"

"I heard you made fun of Kira's makeup in Math class today!" She gives me the suprised look.

And I'm like "Oh yeah I should have seen her face by the way how did u find out so fast" I ask

" Oh it's the topic of the whole school now. Noone really calls her off" she replies
Seriously, what's wrong with people of this school?

"Oh wow! So news spread that fast here. Why don't people call her off?"

"I dont really know. Nobody has got the courage to face her's kinda hard and she has a very influential dad and must I say she's pampered" Well the pampered part is kind of obvious but why will Jason date a pampered child I dont really get

"But why is Jason dating her?" I asked
She starts giggling. Okay seriously Nicole laughs at everything. I mean everything!

"Hello, I asked a question. I didn't crack a joke" I say

"Oh I'm sorry, the reason is just so funny" she says still giggling.

"Can I know the reason, please??" I squeal

"Um sure lady. Cool down by the way why do you want to know?" She gives me the inquisitive look

"Uh..uhm..act..actually nothing. I just wanna know." I stammer

" fine! I dared him to ask her out or else he eats a skittle and he doesn't like skittles. He also doesn't 't like Kira cos of her lousy and too much sassy attitude so he had to pick between both of them and he's allergic to skittles so...he picked kira and here they are" she says laughing again

First of all, I don't find that funny but I just laugh so she won't know she's wierd please don't tell her. And who hates skittles????? Maybe cos he's allergic to them but now I think Nicole is evil just a little bit. And I actually pity Jason cos he has to put up with that nasty girl...oooh and wait! I thought he was actually sticking up for me.. so the reason he did that was because he doesn't actually like Kira. Now this makes sense but some part of me wishes he was actually sticking up for me. Wait Anna what are you saying? I don't care if he sticks up for me or not. Or do I?
"I'm so hungry!" Nicole says immediately we enter the cafeteria. The cafeteria is divided into sections. I think from least popular to most popular or something. I dont really understand the setting
As you know, nicole is the principal's daughter so she can sit wherever she wants but because of how humble she is, we just sit in the middle of the cafeteria not before getting spaghetti and meatballs with fruit juice and an apple. Yum!! I'm sure if it was Kira's mom who is the principal, kira will torment everyone's life.

Speaking of kira i see her go to sit beside Jason at the highest level of the cafeteria. Knowing how their relationship started, it's kinda funny seeing her clinging to someone who doesn't have a bit of feeling for her. Pathetic but that serves her right. Oh wait let me eat my food before it gets cold. No! I'm not a gossip.

Just as I started eating Brian sits beside Nicole flashing a colgate toothy grin. I told you to remind me to buy colgate!!

"Hi baby, hi Anna or should I say Anna barbie as Jason calls you?" Brian says but not without getting a kick from nicole

I whisper a thanks to Nicole and she smiles but wait Brian wasnt in Math class then how does he know Jason called me the barbie thingie?

"Um Brian, how did u know Jason called me Anna barbie even tho you weren't in Math class?" I asked

"Oh, Jason was talking about you and he mentioned it" he said

"Uh? You said Jason was talking about me?"

Before Brian could answer, "Yes, I was talking about you." The monster interrupted

"Oh. Why were you talking about me?" I asked clearly confused.

Hey! I know it's not a biggie if someone talks about you but I'm just inquisitive

"Oh sorry barbie..the reasons are better kept with me" he say winking

" Oh so no longer Anna ball or Anna barbie just barbie?" I asked. I know it's a stupid question but I just gotta ask

"Yeah. Barbie" he answers

"*Cough cough. You guys know I'm here right?" Nicole says

"Yeah baby, we do." Brian whispers something to her ear and they start walking to another table so now it's me and the monster alone

Thank u so much nicole. Notice the sarcasm

"So Barbie, can I know more about you?" He asks

"Sorry, I gotta go maybe later" I say packing up my books . I know you must think I'm dumb. I ain't dumb but kira is giving me death glares and I dont wanna die now so it's better I leave her boy friend for her

"Um okay but can I have your digits you know like your number" he says

"I'd ve loved to give you but I dont have a phone" I answer it's actually true. I dont have a phone! I don't have one cos I don't have anyone to call as I said before I didn't have any friend

Jason leaves his mouth hanging open so I gently use my hands to cover it back and say "Excuse me" and i leave the canteen. Brian and nicole already left. Time to go find Nicole. I'm so going to kill her today.

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