could this day get any worse?

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Lesane P.O.V

"Can we go now?!" yelled Jada, interupting us.

"Calm down baby, we can go now." Said Michael.

We all started to get up nd get in line. After we got our food and paid for it, we all set back down.

"Jada, are you Jealous?" I Smirked .

"Of what? You and that bitch? Aha, no." She answered.

"Excuse me? I would like for you to call me by my name. Which is Aliyah incase you didn't know." Said Aliyah smartly.

"I really don't care what your name is." Said Jada.

"Jada why are you being so rude?!" I Yelled . "And if anybody's a bitch, it's YOU." I added.

At this point most of the cafeteria was watching us...

"Lesane, shut the fuck up! I'm so tired of your fucking mouth. I should beat your ass right now!!" she said as she swung at me.

I got up and swung back. "What the fuck you thought this was?! Don't fucking swing at me!" I started to jump over this freaking table. But Aliyah got up and started holding me back.

And Michael started holding Jada back, she was still yelling -_- "I will fuck you up!" She kept trying to get loose. And at one point she did.

She ran towards me and BOP! Hit me in my mouth. At this point I didn't care. I got loose from Aliyahs grip and punched Jada in her face And she fell to the ground.

Thats when Michael came over an tried to fight me. He punched me in my stomach. I punched him in his eye and then he hit me in the side of my head, Ouch.. socked him in his face and he fell. I started stomping him until Aliyah had got a good trip on me and pulled me outside. Some teachers ran in and helped Jada amd Michael.

"Damn, you're strong baby." I said.

"Lesane, what the fuck was that?!?" She screamed.

"They came at me! Youre acting like I wanted to fight a girl." I yelled back.

"You're not suppose to fight a girl!! Didnt your Mother tell you that?!!" She scremed again.

"My Mama did tell me that but she's never home! How am I suppose to control my anger?! Mamas are suppose to teach their sons that. My Mama didnt really teach me shit. So how?! How am I suppose to do this Aliyah?!" I yelled loudly.

"Look Lesane, I'm sorry. But you cant hit girls. Understand that okay?"
She said softly.

"Ok, Aliyah." I said.

"Oh, and one more thing.. you have to apologize to Jada.." She said.

"Aliyah no, nope, no, nooo. She came at me first. I am not apologizing to her." I said. "Hell no!" I said.

She flinched.

"Oh Ok, I'm sorry." She said as she walked away.

Oh no. Could this day get any fucking worse?!

Ok ok, I was sleepy so excuse any errors or anything that didn't make sense. Seo, yeah. night. Or is it??

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