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Jada P.O.V

It was morning time. After last night I was sore and didn't feel like going anywhere. Also, I'm sleepy. I'm going back to sleep. Bye.

Lesane's P.O.V

Whew! I was feeling great and ready to get out of this hotel. I got out of bed and did my hygiene routine. When I was done I got dressed and headed into Jada's room.


..No reply.. So I barged in, and guess what? She was sleep -_-

I started to shake her.

"Jada wake up, don't you want to get out this hotel?" I said.

She tossed and turnrd and finally woke up.

"What Lesane? I'm trying to go to sleep." She said smartly.

"Well my bad. Im just trying to get out of this hotel and go somewhere." I said. "Whats your problem?" I added.

She sighed. "My problem is that I'm sore and sleepy. We've been going out everyday since we got here. Can't we just sleep in today and tomorrow? Possibly for the rest of the week?" She asked.


"I guess. But today we go out and the rest of the week we just sit in. Deal?" I said.

She nodded and got up. "Fine, I'm only doing this for you." She said as she grabbed a towel and headed inti the bathroom.

I decided to go in the bathroom and wait, I sat there and watched Tv.

After about 30mins she still wasn't out the shower. I could still here the water running.

Who could that be?

I went and opened the door. This tall dark lightskin boy who looked my age stood at the door. He had a medium  length fade and chestnut almond eyes.

"Um, hey?" I said.

"Sup, I'm Will. Will Smith." He introduced himself.

(A|N, remember when I said I was replacing Roc with Will? Yea, so him anf Jada already know each other.)

Okay Will, who are you looking for?" I asked.

Then Jada came out with some denim high waist shorts and a black A black spaghetti strap T-Shirt w/black flats.

"He pointed to her and smiled. "Her."

He let himself in. When she saw him a smile came upon her face.

"Will!!" She screamed. She ran and gave him a hug.

He hugged her back. "I missed you." He said.

She laughed. "Its only been 4 days." She said.

"Yeah, 4 long days." He said.

Then he kissed her. He kissed her! In front of me. But she pulled away. She Better.

"Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?! Why are you kissing my girlfriend?!!" I yelled.

He looked at me crazy. "Your girlfriend? You mean mines right?" He said.

"No, I mean my girlfriend. Jada, tell him you're my girlfriend." I said.

Jada P.O.V

"Jada, tell him you're my girlfriend." Said Lesane.

I sighed. "Yes Will, he is my boyfriend. We made up." I said.

He laughed. " Well, you and I never broke up. Soo, you're my girlfriend." He said.

"We just did. But! We can still be friends though." I said.

He nodded and left.

I turned to Lesane and smiled, putting my wallet and phone into my satchel. "Ready to go?" I asked.

He just grabbed the keys and left without saying anything. I just followed him. I locked the door and ran behind him.

Everything I tried to talk to him he ignored me. So when we got into the car. So when we got into the car I knew he had no choice but too listen to me. We got into the car and he started it and pulled out the hotel driveway. And were off...

"Are you mad?" I asked. He shook his head no.

Then my phone ringed, telling me I had a message. I took it out my satchel and saw I had a message from Will.

{Will©}: Hey bestfriend! :)

I texted him back.
{JadaWada}: Heyy.

{Will©}: Wassup?

{JadaWada}: Sitting in the car riding with Lesane. I think he's mad. He's been ignoring me ever since you left.

{Will©}: Well let him be mad, that's him. You just do you.

{JadaWada}: I guess, he's acting like a child.

{Will©}: Why are you even with him?

{JadaWada}: Why are you worried about it?

{Will©}: Because you deserve better Jada. You deserve me.

I didn't text him back after that. Awkwarddddd.....

I put my phone back into my satchel and rested my head the back of the seat. I was still going to find out Lesnae's problem though.

"Lesane..." I said.

He just kept his eyes on the road and didn't say anything.

"So are you really going to ignore me over a kiss and a boy?" I asked.

He still didn't say anything.

I sighed. "You're acting like a bitch." I said.

Lesane P.O.V

"You're acting like a bitch." Said Jada.

Oh. "Takes one to know one." I replied.

"No it does not 'Take one to know one'. I don't know who the hell told you that, but I am not a bitch." She said smartly.

I imitated ehat she said in my best Jada voice. "Now, do you hear how stupid you sound?" I said.

Then she went off about how childish and annoying I was being and all this other crap. When she got quiet I finally got a chance to talk.

"Y'know, maybe your patents didn't go on a business trip. Maybe they just wanted to get away from you!" I yelled.

She slapped me. But I didn't care.

Jada P.O.V

I can't believe he just said that.. I just needed somewhere to sit down, let all this out. I didn't want to say anything because I knew I was going to cry. But I had to say something. I saw a diner up the street.

"Can you pull in at this diner please?" My voice cracked.

He didn't say anything but he still pulled in. I immediately got out of the car and sat at one of the tables outside the diner. I cried silently.

Lesane P.O.V

I just sat in the car and played on my phone shile she went through her little.. whatever. But when I looked in the diner something very disturbing caught my eyes. I saw my mama, kissing some man. :'(

Oooooo, somebody's in trouble...

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