treehouse whathouse.

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Jada P.O.V

"No. Its just stressing." I told My grandma. Yes, my grandma that died. She just appeared in the treehouse. At first I freaked out, but she told me it was ok. That Jesus sent her to talk to me, and that everything was ok. I still think Im dreaming but nah.

"Jada sweetie, just take some time to think about your needs, youre doing everyone else's needs. Taking people places in your car, buying people things, keeping this big house clean and taking care of it. Just take some time to find yourself and it'll all get better. I promise." She said.

I smiled. "OK grandma. How's grandpa doing?" I asked.

"Oh he's fine. I checked up on him yesterday." She told me. We talked for a few more hours then she said she had to go and disappeared. I didn't realize it was so late.

I got a phone call. It was Lesane. Its 3:00am, what is he doing up?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Jada." ......

".....Billy??? Mr.G? Why are you calling me?" I asked.

"I got bored." He answered.

"Well I can't talk right now, I was going to head to sleep.." I said.

"Oh, well bye." He said.
I hung up. What the hell?? Why was he calling me?? I switched off my electronics and put them on their chargers. Then I went to sleep. Night.

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