fighting is not tolerable here.

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Michael P.O.V

"Damnnnnn, they fought again??" I asked.

"Yess!! They fought 2x. First Lesane and Jada fought, and Freddy jumped in for Jada. Then one of the the teachers came and got Freddy. And when she left Lesane hit Jada and they fought again. But Jada has hands, she threw some at Lesane." Rachel explained to me.

So apparently Jada, Freddy, and Lesane fought. I want here, I was in the bathroom. I knew I heard some commotion out here. I should've came.

Jada P.O.V

"He hit me first!" I yelled.

"You pushed me!" Yelled Lesane.

"You should have never got in my face! Nobody told you to come near me anyway!" I yelled.

"Both of you Shutup!" Screamed Mr.David

"No, you shutup. I don't have time for this." I said, getting up and getting my stuff.

"Jada where you going?" Asked Freddy.

"Home." I said starting to walk out, but Lesane tripped me.

I fell, yes. But I quickly got back up and turned around and started punching him in his face. He was punching me back too but still, that is low. Why are too starting fights with girls anyway? Mr.David got up and started to pull us apart. He succeeded. 

"You one insecure ass bitch!" Lesane yelled, trying to get at me.

(A|N: C'mon now, that's totally something Lesane would say if he was fighting a girl in real life. It really is. Like, you can actually picture him saying that. He said something like that in Poetic Justice. He just called her a "Jive ass bitch." )

"I HATE YOU!!!!" I screamed as Mr.David pulled me or if the room.

Lesane P.O.V

"I HATE YOU!!!!" She screamed as Mr.David pulled her out of the room. He slammed the door shut.

"I don't give a fuck." I said.

"Lesane you a bitch, what you fighting girls for anyway man?" Said Freddy.

"It ain't the first physical fight we had. And what you doing in it anyway? Before Jada came here-"

"You wasn't acting like this." He said, cutting me off.

"SO you gonna let Jada get between us as bros?" I asked.

"Do you know what Jada's friends did to her? Michael befriended her, Will cheated on her, and you, you're treating her like this Lesane." He said.

"So." I said.

"So, you need to apologize to her and stop making the shit worse." He suggested.

"Even if I wanted to she wouldn't accept it. If I came to her house in a tuxedo and a bunch of flowers she wouldn't accept it." I said.

"How do you know? You should try it." He said.

"I'm not trying shit when it comes to Jada." I said.

"Man, she told me how close y'all were and what happened. And she say's she wants that back. The only thing that's holding that back is you Lesane. Now after this susension were gonna get and when we come back to school, I expect you and Jada to be friends or whatever again. You need to squash whatever problem you have with her and get over it. Aren't you gonna be 18 in 2 years? And you can't even accept a freaking apology? She apologized to you first. And she apologized twice. You need to get yourself together man." He said, right after he said that Mr.David came back in.

"Both of you, 2 weeks of suspension. I already contacted your parents. You can all leave at the end of the day. You're excused from any After School Detention. Just leave my school after 4:00 hits. I'm dissapointed in both of you deeply. Leave my office and return back outside with your classes." Said Mr.David.

Freddy P.O.V

"Where's Jada?" I asked. 

"I managed to get her back outside. And oh! Lesane?" He asked.

"Yes sir?" Asked Lesane.

"She is highly upset. I suggest you stay away from her." Said Mr.David.

He nodded and we got our stuff and walked down the hall. "Aye, remember what I said man." I said to Lesane.

Then we walked outside. I saw Jada, but she was looking past me, as soon as she saw Lesane she quickly dropped her stuff and ran towards him. But no, I had to hold her back, she is strong as hell! But she wouldn't stop for nothing to get at him.

"Jada, stop!" I said.

She tried to push past me. "No, just please let me go. I'm not trying to fight you." She said, trying to jump over me, oh god -__-.

"He's not trying to fight you either! Just stooop Jada." I yelled.

Lesane P.O.V

I walked over towards Freddy and Jada, yeah I see her trying to get at me. Freddy saw me coming over.

"Nigga what the hell are you doing?! Can't you see that she trying to fight you!" He yelled.

"That's why i'm coming over here. C'mon, let her go." I said.

"Lesane I'm not finna let her go." He said, holding her.

"Just let her go, I'm not finna fight back. I promise." I said, holding my hands up. 

"Yes! Let me go!" Yelled Jada. She is finna fuck me up..

"You sure man?" He asked. "I'm not taking the blame for it." He added.

"I'll take the fucking blame! Just let me go Freddy." She yelled.

"Alright." And he let her go. 

Jada came up, punching and kicking me everywhere. I had to hold back so I wouldn't end up knocking her little ass the fuck out. After a few minutes of 'letting her win' I had got enough. I grabbed her hands so she couldn't hit me anymore, simple.

"Let me the hell go!" She yelled.

"No! You not going to hit me again!" I yelled back.

"If you would've just accepted my apologies I wouldn't have hit you in the first place dumbass!" She said, trying to get her hands free.

"Freddy come get your girl!!" I yelled to him.

He laughed and came and carried Jada away. I hope she's satisfied, shit, oppurtunities like that, hiiting me with me hitting back? She's luckly as hell.

Like he said, I hope she's satisfied.

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