Bye bye.

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Lesane P.O.V

I saw my mama kissing a man in the diner. I thought she was on a business trip! I got out of the car slammed the door and barged into the restaurant and went to her table. She looked at me in astonishment.

"I thought you were on a business trip?!!" I yelled.

"I-Uh-I" She stuttered.

"You what mama?! You lied to me?!" I screamed.

By this time the whole restaurant was staring at us.

"Why are you in Georgia anyways Lesane?!!" She yelled back.

"That does not matter! But if you want to know I'm spending quality time with my girlfriend!! Why did you lie to me?!" I screamed.

She stayed silent, starting at the man across from her.

" And who the hell are you?! Huh?!" I yelled at him.

He cleared his throat.

"Lesane, im your father." He said.

I could feel the warm tears pouring out my eyes.

"So where the fuck was you all these years?! Im 17 mother fucking years old!! And you're sitting here on a date with my mother?! Both of y'all are liars and both of y'all are fakes! And you!" I said as I pointed to my mother. " Im moving out." I said as I turned around and headed for the door. She pleaded and begged for me to come back but I ignored her and walked out.

Jada P.O.V

I saw and heard everything. I was on the phone with Will while it all went down. I told him I was gonna call him back. As Lesane stormed out of the restaurant he looked angry and he was crying. He went straight to the truck and started it up. I just sat there shocked until he snapped at me.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get your ass in the car before you get left!" He screamed.

I quickly put my stuff in my satchel and got into the car. He pulled off and instantly sped to the hotel.  When I looked at the speed meter it said 95mph...

"Lesane, I think you're going a little too fast." I said, putting on my seatbelt and tightening it.

"Shut it!" He yelled, going faster.

The speed meter now said 107mph.

"Lesane, you're going to 107mph, slow it down before you get us killed!!" I screamed.

He just ignored me and kept on speeding. As he turned the corner this giant Semi-Truck came rushing at us. But this duck was looking down at the pedals.

" SEMI-TRUCK!!!" I screamed.

He quickly looked up and tried to swerve but failed. Both cars collided with each other. All I felt was the glass shatter. It went all inside the car, I felt some of it go into my skin.

I got my head hit something and I felt a warm liquid come out of my head. That's when I blacked out.

At the hospital: Dr.Hudson P.O.V, 10:58pm.

"Dr.Hudson, code red!! We got 2 bodies coming in! Teenagers, a make and female!! Car accident, their in horrible condition!" Yelled one of the nurses.

He and some other nurses were running at me with two gurneys. All I really saw was blood. The sight was gruesome.

"Bring them in!" I yelled.

They quickly brought them in the room and hooked them up to IV's and heart monitors. After about 3mins they were connected to a lot of cords and other things. As I looked at the heart monitors they were beeping really fast.

"Emergency 2" I yelled. " Get Dr.Allen in here asap! He needs to work on the female!" I added.

In a matter if seconds they had him in here working in her. But they were in very bad condition. We both looked at each other.

" Were going to have to do surgery." We said in unison.

We both rolled them to the Emergency surgery room and quickly began.

After surgery: Dr.Hudson P.O.V. 5 hours later- 4:00am.

The surgery was a success. We found out the female had a head wound, a broken rib, and also a broken arm. We already wrapped her head wound up, casted up her arm, and wrapped up her stomach because of the broken rib.

For the male, we found out that he had a broken leg, head wound, a large stomach wound, and dislocated shoulder. We had wrapped up his head and stomach wound, which still seems to be bloody. We casted up his leg and shoulder. We didn't think he'd make it. He's still pushing.

My god, this had to be the most amazing thing I've ever seen. They could've died in the conditions their in. It was truly a miracle.


I answered the door and 4 adults cane rushing in. They rushed to the teens bedsides in pairs of 2.

"We're Lesane Crooks parents." The two by the male's sides said.

"And we're Jada Pinkett's parents." Said the two by the female's side.

So that's their names..

"Hello, I'm Dr.Hudson. Dr.Allen and I had to perform surgery on your children. Jada is doing quite well. They seen to be in commas. Lesane is still pushing. They were in a accident with a Semi-Truck. It was a miracle they survived." I explained.

I also explained their conditions to them, the mother's broke down crying. After I was done I sat down. Oh yeah..

"They'll have to stay in the hospital for about a 3 days before they can leave. We'll give you their medications. Also, you shouldn't be in here, visiting hours were over 9hours ago." I told them.

They nodded and kissed their children and left, thanking me

Their Patrents P.O.V

"We'll have to stay in a hotel together, keep in touch." Said Jada's mama.

Everyone agreed as we got in our cars and followed Lesane's patents to a hotel called Comfort Suites.

Once they made it to the hotel they all paid for a room and prayed, then headed to sleep.

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