|Chapter 4| Party

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Demi's P.O.V

After the Ellen shot, Nick Jonas, yes. The hot, gorgeous sexiest man alive was going to be my date. But wait. He's my best friend.

And I'm not a chit flick and not going all cliché on y'all and going to date my best friend. Besides. I got other choices. Like Wilmer and Alex.

Sighing.. I laid on my bed as I felt the cold.. stingy cold.. freezing cold touch of water contact my skin.

I screamed and basically wouldn't be lying when I say I jumped twenty feet in the air.

I turn my furious glare to Nick.. he only laughed at my oh so unhappy misery.

"Nick," I growled.

"Hey Demi. Look, I knew I can always make you wet.." Nick stared with a wink.

If it wasn't for the freezing cold water turning my skin red, my blush would've been brighter than a tomato.

However to play it off cool I came back with, "Please, I would rather fuck porcupine.. besides. It'll know how to keep me awake unlike.." I pause for a dramatic affect and looked nick up and down..

"You," I finished. Trying to sound as cool as I couldn't been. Nick frowned at this.

"Demi.. imma kill you," he stated. My eyes grew and I yelled as I darted out of my room.

Nicks boots followed behind me. Curse my wet socks. I tripped over myself. Going face first I screamed as I was about fall to my death.

And damn was I scared of heights.

A felt a heavy hand grab my shoulder. I curled into the chest of Nick as we fell down the stairs together. He was protecting me.

Letting himself fall down the stairs first on his back. I let out a groan as we landed. My forehead smack against the floorboard. And my shine had wacked against the staircase itself.

I was currently resting on top of the Nick Jonas. I scurried off him faster than a mouse..

Way to play it cool Dems...


Both me and Nick was ready. He was wearing a lose fitted black tux. With a black and white tie to match my black and white dress.

It was a knee high loose dress and sleeveless. It was like a foggy black spiraling and blending into the nice light white colored.

I wore a cute white necklace and black earring. I wore a tiny by if makeup. A slight contour, a smoky eye, and a dark red lipstick.

My short black hair fitted perfectly for the look. Smiling I was ready. And so was Nick. And yes there was going to be alcohol. But I wasn't planning on getting drunk..

We finally arrived at the house. It seemed already one of those collage house light parties. Drunk people scattered the lawn and clothing already seemed to be strung on the roof.

I clutched my best friends hand and we attempted to find our way through the party. I walked past a window. Finding that my hand was disconnected from my best friend.

I shrugged it off. I swear while I was passing that window I could've sworn I saw Miley skinny dipping in the freezing cold water.

I walked through the house. Not recognizing most of the faces. Wondering throughout the house.

I found Wilmer. I stalked up the lone wolf who was leaning against a wall. Siring a wine glass.

"Hey Wilmer," I said in my happy voice.

"Hey.." Wilmer practically slurred. Nope. Definitely slurred.

"Drunk aye?" I asked.

He nodded. Not even seeming to be able to keep his head straight for a simple nod. "Wanna know a secret?" He whispered in my
ear popping the 't' in secret.

I couldn't help but giggle at his state. "Sure," he took a hold of my hand a dragged me to this door.. it was as normal as the other doors. And it scared me. Did he want sex cause I wasn't even up to it.

Hey took out a key and eyed me. "Sometimes.. you just need a little fun.." he whispered in my ear. His slur was oddly disturbing..

"Sometimes.. its just a little party to change everything.."

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