|Chapter 5| Your a Survivor

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Anna's P.O.V

It was dark. Yet loud. I could hear the shouts, the screams and the music banging against the walls.

I manage to crawl and throw my shirt over me. I was hurting all over. My legs felt numb as blood trickled down them.

I wanted to scream. But the fear of daddy would hear me scared me half to death.

I looked at Jade. She was somewhat awake. He eyes were fighting to stay open. She had a huge gash on her stomach where daddy cut her when she was screaming after the fall down the stairs.

The warm liquid ooze was everywhere. Covering my sister and entangling itself in her hair to dry out.

I gave her encouraging nudges and taps on the face. Her breathing was dangerously low. I couldn't lose her. I couldn't lose my sister. I was even considering about changing her Nickname to Emy. Since it's shorter and it's the end of her full name, Jademy.

Mama named her that, daddy named me.. "Come Emy.. just a little longer.." I stated.

Her curios eyes flickered to me. "Emy?.." she asked quietly. Her head falling to the side. But I kept it in place.

"Yeah.. it's my new nickname for you sissy.." I told her quietly. I kept my hand over hers as she used both of them to clutch her tummy.

"I like it.." she stated. I began to feel the warm blood soap my hands. "Anna.." Emy began..

"Yes Emy?.." I asked gently.

"Anna am I'm gonna die?.." she asked. Tears welled in my eyes as so did hers.

"No.. no you can't die.." I told her. Letting the tears spill from my watery orbs.

"But it hurts.. it hurts so much.." she said barely audible. "And its dark.. I hate the dark.."

"I know Emy. But you can't leave me here. You can't leave me here.." I told her tears dripping from my eyes. I wish I was Repunzal with magical healing tears and save my sister.

"Your a survivor Emy.." I said resting my forehead to hers. She closed her eyes. But I still felt her breath. It was faint but still there.

"I'm a survivor..

I'm not gonna give up..

I'm gonna survive..

Keep on surviving..."

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