|Chapter 8| What Will Happen To Them?

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Demi's P.O.V

I immediately picked up my pace and practically rammed myself through the hospital doors.

I automatically heard the whispers began.

"Is that Demi Lovato?"

"Who's the runts?"

"Omg its Nick Jonas!"

"Oh I'm such a Nemi Shipper!"

"Why is Nick here and not Wilmer?"

I growled at the last one as doctors and nurses ran in. "Demi what's the problem?" One of my favorite nurses asked frantically.

"The twins. I found them.. they've been abused and the other one has a deep gash. She may have been stabbed.." I told her.

She nodded and pried Anna off my back. Who kicked and screamed and reached out for me. They settled her on a stretcher. Placing her sister next to her. Doctors raced along side it wheeling the girls away from me.

I felt Nicks strong arms hug me. A nurse came in and escorted us to a private waiting room.

"Demi.." I heard Nick asked.

I looked up and saw his angry eyes. "Yes..?" I asked nervously.

"Who did this to them?.." he asked.

"Wilmer.. Wilmer fucking Valderrama.." I stated bluntly.

"I swear to god I'm going to kill him-" Nick started. However he was interrupted by a fellow of two police officers and a doctors who walked in.

"Hello Lovato and Jonas.." the police officer introduced. "I'm assigned to the case of the Valderrama Twins. I was aware of the situation by the doctors. Since you were the ones to find and rescue them. We need to ask a few questions.." the officer stated.

I nodded. "Lovato. You found the twins in the Valderrama residence while a alcoholic party was going on in the house aye?" He asked.

"Yes officer, Wilmer Valderrama is the father of the twins. And he was the host of the party.." I told him.

"Ok well that's already child endangerment and harmful to the well being of both children if there in an environment that deals with alcohol and drugs," the officer explain.

"Since it's also obvious that the twins were abused, sexually and physically, that's already two arrest charges to be made on the father on the first degree of child abuse.. he can also be charge for attempted murder since the doctors found a serve stab wound to the younger twin.." he stated.

(Guys I swear to god Law and Order SVU, Criminal Minds, and Grey's Anatomy soo helps me with this scene!!)

Wow. These guys know there stuff. "Can he be arrested on the spot? And can you charge him with everything you got?" I asked bluntly. I wanted him to rot.

The officer just explained how he beat his own kids and fucking raped them.

"Yes. Actually officers are already on there way to the residence. Hopefully you didn't cause too much of a scene or wanted man could've attempted to escape.. let's hope that party is still running.." he told me.

"Sir?" Asked Nick. The officer hummed in response. "What's going to happen to the twins..?"

"Ahh good question. Once there father is arrested, they become property of the state. Unless they have any family from there fathers or mother side. However in this case we wouldn't want them anywhere near any family member of the father and since the mother is unknown they will have to be released to the state as orphans.." he stated. Than tapped his chin.

"Unless they would be fostered by someone who is a citizen of the state.." he stated. Giving me a look.

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