25. |p a s t|

140 11 2

>>c h a p t e r  t w e n t y f i v e<<

|p a s t|


Song of the chapter/ Not Alone by Red.

Human behavior is a strange kind of behavior. They always wants the things they don't have, no matter what they have, they'll never be satisfied. It doesn't matter if you have a latest i-phone6; you'll want i-phone6s as soon as you see it on somebody else's hands. You've just shopped worth two thousand dollar, but if you see a cute dress on someone else's, you'll want to have it forgetting about the things you've just bought.

In other words, it's safe to say, humans are never satisfied. But, that's human so it's legit. And that's what makes a human a human. It's an unchangeable and irreparable fact about human that's become human's one of the most vital characteristics.

They always want the things they don't have and no matter how much they have, they always want more.

But, that's what defines human.

Dianna is no different. Ever since Asher professed his love, she has been on cloud nine, and it feels like she's got her heaven. Even then, her heaven is incomplete. Though she's her love of her life—Asher—but she still want something more, and that something more is Zach.

There's no doubt that she is happy, in fact she's ecstatic but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel guilty. She is unhappy because she's been lying to Zach ever since she began her relationship with Asher. It's not like she wants to lie to Zach but she doesn't have any other option. She feels abashed to even look him in the eye without feeling mortified and in the wrong for going out with Asher behind his back.

She's never wanted to mend their relationship more, and she's been trying to get Asher to talk to Zach, but he simply refused. And, there's no way she can talk to Zach about it without getting her head chopped off.

                "But, Asher, I don't like lying to Zach. I don't think I have ever lied to him as much as I have lied to him in this week." Dianna whines, spooning a piece of cheese cake she'd just bought from the stall which she and Asher had ordered from the same place Ms. Lindale had send them weeks ago where Asher had finally told her about the reason behind Zach's hatred.

              "I know how you're feeling, and trust me, I don't like this, too. But everything has changed. Nothing is as same as five years ago, Dianna. Zach hates my guts. And if you want me to be around you for a long time, then you've to drop this insane idea." Asher explains, snatching the cake from Dianna's hand, and before she can think, he gobbles it up in one single bite. "Hmm, this is delicious."

Dianna slaps his hand away, and looks at him with an annoyed expression. "I am not insane and Zach's not a psychotic killer.....and you owe a cake."

Asher shrugs. "Who knows what he'll do and you know this very well. You know how he beat me that day in the mail house. Imagine what he will do when I go before him and tell him that we're dating. And what do you want me to tell him anyway. 'Hey, Zach! Remember your ex-best friend. I just want to tell you that I am dating your sister. I hope you don't mind.'" He mimics, earning a chuckle from David and Meredith who were walking behind them, keeping an eye on Zach in case he saw them together.

               "This is so fun, man. I never imagined it to be this fun when you used to describe it to us back in New York, Dianna. I can't believe tonight is the last night of the festive." David says, filming everything with the video camera.

              "I told you so." Dianna answers back.

             "And, this cake....where the hell did you order it? Scratch that, where the hell did you find this place which makes cake as delicious as this? I wouldn't mind paying even if it costs thousand bucks. This is heaven." Meredith says, gobbling up her tenth piece of cake.

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