Faded Memories|9

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I was silent the whole ride. I would only nod if he asks me something or I'll just look at him if he's telling some things that happened to him or about our past memories that I didn't wanted to remember at all.

I don't want to mess up my life again like what happened before. I had a terrible dream these past week. I was crying and running on a cold winter day and I saw Cameron chasing me. That happened when I saw Shawn and Hazelle on their house. That memory was quite painful whenever it flashes back on my mind and I don't wanna recall it.

Being beside him doesn't give me an awkward feeling. Infact, I always feel like home when he's around. I feel so comfortable with him and I hate it. I hate that if he continues this, I might run back to him with no second thoughts.

Even if I don't or I won't remember everything, my heart didn't forgot how it beats for him. It will always remind me that he was the only person who made it beat like there's a raging waterfalls inside of it.

"We're here." He says and he unbuckled my seatbelt that gave me goosebumps. I swear that his touch makes me nervous.

I hopped outside his jeep and saw an old five storey building.

I closed my eyes and some images are flashing on my mind.

"Hi, Miss pretty! I'm Candy!" A girl comes to me.

"Hey there, baby girl. I'm Sophia," I said and squat levelling to her.

"Can we play?" She asks. Awe, she's so adorable!

"Of course, what do you wanna play?" I asked her while tucking her hair behind her ears.

"You'll be my momma! Please?" She pleads with puppy eyes.

I chuckled.

"Sure. And then?"

"Hmm... and I also want a daddy!" She says.

"Oh.. there!" She pulls me to Shawn's direction.

Oh no.

"Hey, Shawn! She's my momma for today and you'd be my dada!" She stated. Wow, what a demanding kid!

Shawn looks at me and I just shrugged.

"Sure, baby." He says and grins at me.

Tss. Okay.

"I can be your mommy for today," Hazelle interrupts.

"No. I want mommy Sophia," She says and hugs my legs.

"Candy." I mumbled and opened my eyes.

"Sophia! Thank goodness you scared me!" Shawn hysterically says as he holds the both sides of my shoulders.

"Are you fine? Is your head hurting again?" He asks and I gave him a small smile.

"I'm okay," I timidly said and his eyes calmed.

"Are you sure?"


So this is where I found Candy? I'm glad that I've been here before and met her. My parents adopted her. I missed her already.

I saw the baskets of muffins already out of his car and he was carrying a box. I glanced at his jeep and there's a few more boxes.

"What does those boxes contain?" I asked out of nowhere and he smiled at me widely.

"Some toys and presents for our kids." He winks and lands the box on the ground.

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