Faded Memories|17

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"Sophia! Here!" I heard Grey yelling and waving his both hands and i ran over his direction smiling widely.

He got his hair grew long not his typical hairstyle before and i find it cute..

"Damn i missed you" He says when he welcomed me with a hug.

"I missed you too, old man" I joked and he chuckled

I hugged him tighter. It feels like home when i'm with him.. he's my comfort and safety zone.

"You're getting...hmm?" He checks me and i giggled.

Yes, i'm already gaining weight because i eat too much.. Like seriously, i'm always craving for different food and i find it weird. Specially when i wake up in the middle of the night and i'm looking for something to eat

"I have to tell you something, later.. Feed me first" I said smiling cheekily and he ruffles my hair.

"Okay. Let's get you something to eat!" He responds excitedly and we walked our way out to the airport

I'm staying here at London for three days. I need a break and i decided to go here so i could also visit this guy beside me

"So, how are you and Shawn?" He asks and i smiled painfully

He opened the door of his car and i jumped in

"We broke up" I replied weakly and he stopped for a while

"What?" He asks and i can see the confusion with his eyes

I sighed

"I'm upset. I know. But we both need time to think.. All of what happened just gave me so much thoughts and its driving me insane.." I explained and he looked at me weirdly

"Sophia.. you can't fix things if you kept pushing him away. You always run from your problems and that's not healthy for your relationship.." He says that hit me

I know. Am i not allowed to get hurt and upset? Because its not the right time for me and Shawn to talk about it

"Yeah.. i just want to make sure with my decisions specially now i have his child and-.."

"What?!" He yells because of bewilderment.

"You're pregnant and you travelled this far?" He says hysterically and i couldn't help but to laugh with his reaction

"I'm serious here, Sophia Elizabeth! Don't laugh at me" He looks so serious that made me laugh more

"I asked the doctor, okay? I'm allowed to travel since i'm only 2 months pregnant. So, stop over reacting. You could've seen your face" I said and he sighed in relief

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" He asks and turns the car to a street that has many shops and restaurants. I can't help but to amazed of what i'm seeing right now

"I was about to tell you later but i slid off because were talking about me and Shawn" I wander my eyes out of the window and he drives slowly

"Have you tell him already?"

"Not yet. Maybe when i come back" I replied

"You're being impulsive again.. I'm sure he's getting crazy thinking where you are. Did you tell him where you are atleast?" His voice was full of concern.

I shook my head

"Oh god gracious. I pity that guy for having a stubborn girlfriend.. but frankly speaking, Sophia. You should have tell him atleast where you are so he won't worry that much" He advices and i feel guilty

"Fine. I'll tell mom to tell Shawn" I said

"Why won't you tell him by yourself instead?" He parks the car infront of a restaurant

"I might flew back to New York once i hear him hurting and i don't want to ruin my well planned vacation here.. i need air to breathe and i can't find that when he's around" I respond and we walked out of his car

"I really don't get how your brain works." He says playfully and i chuckled

"I'm a girl, Greyson. That's our nature so deal with it" He gave me a whatever look and i laughed.

He ordered us a pasta dish that was new to my eyes and my noes. It smells and looks so damn delicious!

I started eating and damn! I thought i already have eaten the most delicious pasta dish back at Manhattan. This is different! And i can't express how it overwhelmed my buds..

"Tastes good?" Grey asks and i nodded

"I always eat here when i'm too lazy to cook." He adds and i wiped my lips with the table napkin

"You don't know how to cook, Grey" I teased

"Watch me learn, Sophia.. i'm having a crash course of culinary here. You'd be surprised if i could already cook much delicious food than these" He says proudly and i raised and eyebrow to him

"Really, huh?" I respond friskily and he chortles

"For the first time live, he will be singing his new single. Let's give it up for Shawn Mendes!"

My heart sank when i heard his name and i looked at the television..

He's wearing a black plain shirt and he looks tired. His eyes were too lazy and he doesn't smile as he sings

"I'm saying baby please have mercy on me

Take it easy on my heart

Eventhough you don't mean to hurt me

You keep tearing me apart"

His raspy voice gave me a major goosebumps.. i can see the ghost of misery behind those eyes.. I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry for causing you too much pain.. I know i hurted you but we need this.

"Would you please have mercy on me

I'm a puppet on your string

And eventhough you got good intentions

I need you to set me free"

I closed my eyes while i'm feeling every lyric, beat and pain with his voice.

"Consuming all the air inside my lungs

Ripping all the skin from off my bones

I'm prepared to sacrifice me life

I would gladly do it twice"

I'm stupid. I know. Who would've hurt a Shawn Mendes? He's every girls dream and i'm here causing him so much pain. I just couldn't understand my own feelings and decisions sometimes that i hurt others because i'm distraught.

"I'm begging you, begging you please baby

Mercy, mercy on my heart

Oh i'm begging you, i'm begging you"

I opened my eyes when he's already humming and i swear my heart shattered into a million pieces when i caught small tears escaping from his eyes..

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