Chapter 25: Clayton, Here I Am!

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I am going to make a name for myself! How? Well I know I can! It will be fun and exciting. I was friends with almost everyone in my grade, so that was great. I am smart in subjects and I play soccer. I have King Mickey as my guardian and Jacob was also my guardian and he helped me control my element of Sound since I was a Descendant of the Master of Sound of my world. I really didn't know that until before the Tournament happened. It was all so sudden and we were fighting for our lives and for a fake prize. I was currently helping the school with preparing for school next year. Most of my friends were out of town and the Dreamers were taking the whole summer off after they saved our world from being taken by the darkness. Nina and Ben were the ones who suggested the idea of resting, relaxing, or doing something fun for the Dreamers. The rest of the Descendants were allowed to do as we pleased. I had to help King Mickey with something at his castle, so I was staying at Disney Castle for a few days and I was just waking up.

"Clayton! We need your help with something!" cried Chip and Dale outside of my door.

"Alright I'm coming" I replied to them as I preceded to get dress and freshen up.

Once I was done, I headed for the Main Chamber and I saw Lauren, Queen Minnie, and King Mickey in the room. I bowed to them when I arrived.

"Oh! Clayton you do not have to do that! You are royalty because of your link to King Mickey" said Queen Minnie as she saw me come in.

I keep forgetting that. That weird link allows certain to characters to have certain abilities because of that link. Don't ask me how I know this, because I don't really remember.

"Anyway, we need help preparing for the Festival of Dreams. That's the reason why we called you two over. We are sorry for taking time out of your summer vacation" said the Queen as she looked a bit down about it.

"It's fine. We are happy to help" said Lauren as I nodded in agreement.

"Well we are just short on a few people who could help prepare the last things for the Festival to begin" explained the King.

"Ok so what is it?" I asked him.

"We just some magic sparkles that will make the castle glow at night but Donald and Sid are not around today" replied the King as he began to ponder about their whereabouts.

I distinctly remember Sid saying that Donald and him were heading to Master Yen Sid's Towers to ask him some questions about magic, but I wasn't sure. Sid was acting strange that day.

"Ok so where can we find the magic sparkles?" I asked them as I was wondering if the magic sparkles really looked like magic glitter.

"Well the glitter is something that can be bought at your world at a Dealer shop" said the Queen.

Oh the Dealer shops. I remember those. I did have my own shop but I handed it to Carson and Nish when I found out I was a partner to King Mickey. I checked the time on my watch and it was about the time the Dealer shops would be open.

"Ok no problem! We will get the magic sparkles as soon as a possible" I told him as I summoned my Kingdom Key D.

The keyhole appeared above the doors to that would be the exit to the Main Chamber.

"Good luck you two!" cheered the Queen as I waved the keyblade in a circle.

A beam of light struck the keyhole as Lauren walked over to me. The light took us back to our school and we arrived near the Dealer area. We headed for the shops and we began to look for the magic sparkles. I saw Julia's shop and I ran over to her. She usually had everything at her shop.

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