Chapter 45: Justin, GOAL!

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I was officially on the soccer team! I couldn't wait to help my team and do my best. However, I couldn't help but stare at the girl with orange hair. She was so pretty. I was so attached to her that I ran into Nina!

"Ow! Oh, hi Justin. How are you?" she asked with a warm smile.

"Ok. Sorry about this. I was distracted" I answered her with a laugh.

She looked around and noticed the girl I was gazing at.

She winked at me as said "Oh! I see! You like Amy! Good luck!"

She turned and left me. Her name was Amy? It's pretty. I was walking around the school and doing my homework throughout the day, but I just couldn't get Amy out of my head! She's so pretty!

"Oh, someone is in love!" Cliff said as he appeared from the keyhole.

I was a bit surprised. I was still getting used to having a guardian watch over and help me with my magic. I didn't know this was a requirement. I knew my family had magic, but I didn't think I would have the magic this generation.

"I maybe in love, but I shouldn't think too much of it. I don't know anything about this girl! I just saw her!" I defended seriously.

"What's her name?" Cliff asked as I was finishing my homework.

"Amy" I answered as I put the assignment away.

Cliff nearly fell down and turned to look at me.

"She's from here, right?!" he asked me seriously.

"Yes.... why?" I asked him concerned.

He breathed a sigh of relief. I don't think I want to know why he did, but right now, I was more focused on her. Actually, I was so focused on her that during soccer practice, I got hit in the face with a soccer ball. Alex Bar jogged over to me and looked at me.

"You were supposed to dodge that or ran" Alex said with a smirk.

"Thank you for that unnesscary reminder" I said annoyed as I sat up.

Sam sped towards us and asked "Are you two ok?"

Alex gave his twin a certain look. Sam just nodded and went back to the field to practice with Clayton. I found that a bit odd. Alex then grab my arm and sped me out of the field! We were sitting in the athletic hallway, but I was dizzy. How did Alex do that?!

"It's a twin connection. My brother and I can do this. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Joey and Jimmy figured out how to do this!" Alex explained to me as he opened his phone.

I have a lot to learn about this school. I don't even know that was a power. Then, a keyhole appeared from the sky! A creature covered in ice and Cliff appeared! What was that?!

"It's just the keyhole. It is the gateway to other worlds We used it to travel" Cliff reassured me.

I just simply nodded my head. Then Alex turned to face me.

"So, what are they doing here?" I asked Alex nervously.

"I believe you have a crush on someone in our grade, and you want to impress that person" Alex stated simply.

"How do you know?" I asked him surprised.

"I have the same issue" Alex said quietly,

I wonder who he was talking about. However, Cliff cleared his throat.

"Ok! Her name is Amy! So, how can we impress her?" Cliff asked excitedly.

Alex thought for a moment as he stated "Her full name is Amelia. I think only Nina and the other girls call her Amy. As for how to impress her, it could be at this week's soccer game!"

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