Chapter 29: Sid, Now You See Him, Now You Don't

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I was running away from my shop. Everyone ducked away too. There was then a loud explosion and a cry of a duck flying throughout the lunch room. Everyone saw the shambles of my shop and Donald duck roasted on the ground. He really smelled good, but luckily, our connection was off. How did this happen? Well thank Nina and the Dreamers, because of them, I lost my shop. This mess started earlier this day.


The Dreamers actually had nothing dangerous after them! It was a miracle! Everyone who had a guardian decided to take the day off. Except Nina was being taught by Kairi about a new spell that could turn people or creatures invisible. She mastered the spell without problems, it was using the spell was the problem.

"Vanish!" she cried as she pointed her keyblade at the chemical bottle.

As the spell struck the bottle and it vanished!

"Alright! A success!" she cried in triumph.

"Hey, Nina, do you think you could teach me that spell?" I asked coolly.

"Sure! But I won't be able to teach you the reappearance spell yet" she warned me.

"Ok! Sure" I replied to her coolly.

She took out her wand and waved it upward. I followed the motion. She twirled the wand counterclockwise and I followed.

"Vanish!" she shouted with a smile and the spell made a table disappear.

"Vanish!" I shouted and the cup on the table vanished.

"There you go! Have fun with it!" she said to my joyfully.

"Nina! Where are you?" shouted Sarah as she entered the potions lab.

"Here Sarah, what's up?" she asked her calmly.

I walked out of the room and went to test out the spell. I wanted to impress Donald Duck about the new spells I was learning. He would be so impressed with me. I can't wait to show him. I practiced the vanishing spell over and over for days, but then Jimmy came to me with an idea for the spell.

"We should turn Nathan invisible!" he suggested with a laugh.

"Sure! But then how are we going to get him?" I asked him with a smile.

"Oh! Let's trap him in your shop!" Jimmy suggested with a smile.

"Great idea!" I answered him.

We headed for my shop. I was Dealer wizard, and Dealer wizards always have a shop. I don't know why. We entered through the back doors and I moved some of potions I was supposed to deliver to Mr. Brothers. It can wait for tomorrow though.

"So how do we attract Nathan over here?" Jimmy wondered aloud.

"Can you buy a ham sandwich?" I asked him with a smile.

He nodded understanding what I meant. He left the shop and went to buy a sandwich while I left a bottle water on the table near the potions. Once Jimmy returned, we placed the sandwich on a plate. I then used a spell to spread the smell of the sandwich into the lunch room. We heard the doors open and hide behind the counter in my shop. Nathan entered the shop.

"Oh! Free food!" he shouted as he picked up the sandwich.

I jumped out, pointed my wand at him as I shouted "Vanish!"

This is the part of the story where everything went downhill for me. As the spell hit Nathan, they hit the potions, but I didn't realize this. I was mostly laughing at the success of the spell. Nathan was invisible! It was hilarious!

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