Chapter 32: Amelia, Sweet Treats!

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I worked with my best friend Lauren. We were baking treats for our grade, because they worked so hard on the play. Nina was pleased to hear that we made food for them and would help us bring the food into the chapel. It was something exciting. Our grade has high hopes in the future! I even thought we could change the world. It's my dream at least.

"Ok, so I just need to add some sugar" I said to myself as I sprinkled some sugar around the cupcakes.

Whi2, or Whitely, arrived. She was exhausted from her daily routine. She was working on creating a peace form of Team Plasma. She was leading the team while Black2, or Blakey, was busy with International Police. She did miss him, but she didn't complain.

"Hello Amelia. How's your day?" asked Whitely as she sat in her chair.

I handed her an ice cold drink. She gladly took a sip of the water and smiled happily at me.

"I was just finishing up my sweets" I replied to her as I sat down next to her.

"That's good" Whitely answered.

"So is everything going alright?" I asked her as I took a sup from my cup of water.

"Soon everything will be alright" she replied as she looked at her cup sadly.

I wondered what happened. She was usually cheerful, but something was wrong. Whitely then left for Unova again. I decided to see if I could help her. I went to find Gabe Solo. He was Nerissa and Alex's friend. I approached them with cookies.

"Hi Amelia" Alex greeted as I walked over to him and Gabe Solo.

I laughed a bit. I didn't often see Alex without Nerissa. However, something was a bit off.

"Hello boys. Gabe, how's Blakey?" I asked him as I handed them some cookies.

"Stupid" he mumbled as he ate his cookie.

"Why?" I asked him worriedly.

"He's been busy and ignoring everyone for the past few days. I don't think Blakey knows he is still bonded to Gabe" Alex explained quietly.

"Why is he busy?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. He just shuts everyone out" Alex explained nervously as he looked at Gabe.

I nodded.

"Thank you boys. You can have the rest of the cookies" I said as I offered them the cookies.

I left the plate and then headed for the Commons. I wanted to see if I could find Michael I and ask him if Hugh was ok. He was a close friend of Blakey and I was wondering if he did anything. Hugh and Blakey were good friends, but sometimes they would get into fights. These fights could last a month or weeks it really depended on the issue or fight. I found Hugh sitting on a bench on his laptop like normal.

"Hello Michael, I have a question" I asked as politely as I could.

"Sure, what can I do Amy?" he asked me as he looked up from his computer.

"How's Hugh?" I asked calmly.

"Ok. He's been quiet lately. Why? Did something happen?" he answered me with an odd loo on his face.

"Well Whitely is acting weird a bit and she doesn't like it when I bring up Blakey. Gabe is even worried about this" I explained to him with worry in my voice.

"Huh. Well Hugh has just been quiet lately. He hasn't told me anything, but I'll tell you if I hear anything" he replied to me.

"Alright, thank you" I said as I walked away.

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