Chapter 64: Henry, Let's Start the Film

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                   After our recent steal, I have decided to compose movies of some of the recent events of our school. Sort of. If anything, I want people to express themselves in film and make wonderful movies that everyone can enjoy. Maybe we can make a class film! Actually, no. Something always happens when Nina and the Dreamers are around. Whether it involves saving the world or just being students, something always happens. There really isn't a dull moment here, I'll give them that.

"So, what do you think?" I asked excitedly as I faced Owen.

"I think that would be a good idea, but we won't be in any kind of danger, right?" he asked cautiously.

"Hopefully, but if you don't feel comfortable with the danger part then I can handle it!" I reassured him.

"I want to help, but we should think about how we are getting the footage. The Dreamers really don't hold back when they fight" Owen pointed out.

"Yeah, good point. Let's think about this in another direction" I said as I sat down.

We were both in the band room during our free period. No one comes in here, because everyone believes the room is too cold. It's really not. It can be warm.

"How about we interview the Dreamers first and ask them what they think?" Owen proposed.

"Sure. Maybe they have an idea!" I stated determinedly as I ran towards the Commons.

Owen followed me with a camera in his hands. I found Soren and Jay working on some papers for English class.

"What are you two up to?" I asked as Owen held the camera and started to record them.

"Us? Well, right now, we've both got to finish an essay to finish" Soren answered politely.

"Are two making a movie?!" Jay asked excitedly as his eyes lit up.

"Sort of. Owen had this idea of making a movie about you and your lives" I said as I gestured to Owen, "I was thinking we could film you in action!"

"Hm, I don't know. I am not sure if I would be ok with that. My main issue with this is your safety" Soren said unsure.

"I'll do it!" Jay shouted eagerly.

"Jay" Soren said seriously.

"Don't worry! I've got this! They won't get hurt! I'll have them watch me from a distance!" he reassured his friend.

"Alright" Soren said defeatedly.

Owen and I high fived and decided to start tomorrow. The next day, the two of us followed Jay around school with the camera. Man, nothing was really happening. It could be just one of those days though.

"Sorry guys. I thought there might be some force of evil that would want to ruin my day" Jay said sadly.

"Hey, the day isn't over yet! Maybe something will happen" I reassured him.

We continued on throughout the day. It was almost time for us to have dinner, when there was a low rumble coming towards Jay!

"Jay! Look out!" I shouted.

Jay reacted and used his whip to whip away from the attacker! It was a ghost?!

"What is a ghost doing here?!" Owen shouted as he recorded the ghost.

Jay faced the ghost and looked at the ghost.

"You're Sensei Yang! Wait, what happened to Cole?!" Jay shouted as he gripped his whip.

The sensei didn't answer and lunged himself at Jay! Jay couldn't get out of the way, so he looked at us.

He shouted, "Get some wat-ah!"

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