Chapter five

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Mangle's pov
I walked home after work. I wonder what that was all about. Foxy said it was just a headache, but I don't really believe him. I need to figure out what is wrong tomorrow at work.
Mangle's phone buzzed in her pocket. She turned it on and saw that Chi (toy chica) had texted her.
(Texting conversation...)
Chi: Hey Mang! What's up? 😊
Mangle: not much... I just got off of work.😌
Mangle: I dress up as a pink and white pirate fox and I work in pirate cove with Foxy, who dresses up as a red pirate fox
Chi: Oooooooooooohhh!!! 😘😘😘
Mangle: Hey!!! I don't say this every time you talk to Bon!!!
Chi: shut up! 😡
Mangle: 😆
Chi: 😛
Mangle: 😝
Chi: 😄
Mangle: 😎
Chi: okay, now that our little emoji war is done, do you want to go to the mall with me?
Mangle: sure! Meet you at my house!! 😄
I put my phone in my pocket and looked up. I was standing in front of a small mostly white house with pink designs. I walked up the small path and up the steps. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. My brother, Bill, ran out of one of the rooms and tackle-hugged me.
"Hi! How are you doing?"
"Awesome!!!" Bill exclaimed. When I looked closer, I saw crumbs on his face.
"Did you steal a cookie from the plate I left out?" I asked, putting on a fake serious tone.
"N-no." He said, brushing the crumbs off his face.
"I can tell if you are lying!" I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. I began tickling him.
"AHH! Stop it Mangle! Okay, alright I ate five cookies!"
I laughed and set him down. "Okay, just next time, ask first, and don't lie."  I walked down the hallway to her bedroom to change out of her work uniform.
A few minutes later, I came back out wearing a white tank top, black shorts, and a pink jacket tied around my waist. I had pink and red makeup on. (I know absolutely NOTHING about makeup.)
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I opened it, and saw Chi. She had short blonde hair, pink short shorts, and a white shirt with what seemed like colorful confetti that went down to her belly button. She had pink makeup on and she had a huge grin on her face.
"Hi!" Chi said happily. "How are you doing Mang?"
"Awesome!" I said. "Ready to go shopping?"
"Yeah!" Chi said, jumping into the air happily.
I smiled, excitedly. "Bill, you wait here, I will be home soon!" I said.
He smiled and nodded. His attention went right back to his picture he was coloring on the ground by the entryway.
No pov...
Mangle and Chi drove in Mangle's car to the mall. They both ran from shop to shop, trying on pretty much every cute outfit they saw.
After about three hours of shopping, they got smoothies and sat down at a table. "So, how's it going with you and Bon?" Mangle asked, smirking.
"H-hey!" Chi exclaimed, choking on smoothie. "I already told you, it's not like that!"
Mangle laughed. "Okay! I will just find proof later!"
Chi sat down and pouted grumpily.
"Hey Mangle." Said a voice behind them. Mangle and Chi whirled around to see Foxy, Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy standing there. Foxy continued speaking. "We are going to go play laser tag, you wanna join?"
"S-sure!" Mangle said. "This is Chi!" She said, pointing to her best friend.
Foxy smiled. "It's nice to meet a friend of Mangle." He said politely.
"Now, let's play!" Chica said happily.
"Chi, Mangle. You weren't thinking about playing without us?" Said a voice. They turned around to see.....
To be continued...

Hey guys! I am sorry for the slow uploading, I have band almost all the time, so I have hardly any time to write. I will try to publish the next chapter soon, but I have been very busy (Like always. XD). I will see you all in the next chapter! Peace!

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